Saturday, May 4, 2013

History of The Mongols

The origin of the Mongolian nation is a society that inhabit the forests of Siberia and the mughal outside area around the lake Baikal. Actually they are not like the nomads who like to move move from the steppes to the steppes of the other even though they always beat anywhere steppes where they met as a result of their dexterity on horseback while playing darts they control.

M. Abdul Karim said that the history of the Mongolian nation was started in XII century AD and the beginning of XIII century AD as he quotes from the book secret history of the Mongols, Persian and Chinese sources, said that it appears at first Mongolian nation is a community forest, they are one of the nation's children tartar clump. Most of the experts say that the nation's history is the origin of the name of Mongolian origin somewhere in Mongolia, where initially they lived then called Mongolian.

Chinese history says that the name comes from the Chinese Mongolian "mong" which means brave, but almost all historians recognize that the Mongolian nation coincided with the Huns in the central Asian nation known for tartar. Badri Yatim said in the history of Islamic civilization from the Mongolian peoples Mongolian mountains, stretching from Central Asia to northern Siberia, southern Tibet, and western Manchuria and eastern Turkistan. Their ancestors named Alanja Khan who has twin sons, tartar and Mongolian. The second son gave birth to two large tribes, Mongolian and tartar. Mongols had a son named Ilkhan who gave birth to the nation leadership of Mongolian descent at a later date.

There are historical references that say that at the beginning of the twelfth century AD People under the Mongol dynasty in China Keen north, where they were first under the leadership of Khan Khabul and rebelled against the Chinese dynasties and their landslide defeat Keen Kusaku Dynasty (kusagu). Thus the Mongolian people began to be known in history, as well as their leadership Kahan khabul using khakan title. At the end of the XII century AD Mongolian people united under the leadership of Jenghis Khan and appears in history as a great power that dodder asia.

Leadership or the first Mongol khan is yesugey (M W 1175), he was the father Chengis Khan (Genghis Khan usual spelling). Chengis khan himself Timujin real name given to him in a Mongol chieftain supreme court in 1206 AD at the age of 44 years in qaraqorum. He was a blacksmith who stuck out his name because he won a battle against the khan or chieftain torgil kreyt.

Mongolian is the nation's most electrifying barbarous nations, the world has ever experienced. Their goal is not to occupy conquered areas, also not to rob it, but especially for the blood shed and destroy the country. Every area in laluinya massacre occurred, beautiful buildings were destroyed, schools, mosques and other buildings burned.

  • Mufrodi Ali, Islam in the Arabic culture. Cet, I; (Jakarta: logos Discourse Studies, 1997).
  • Badri orphans, the history of Islamic civilization, ed I, (New York; eagle Press 2008).
  • Lothrop Stoddard, the new world of Islam, translated by: m. djojomartono Muljadi et al, title; whole new world of Islam, (ttp, 1966).
  • Philip k. Hitti, History of the arabs; From the earliest times to the present, the translation; History of the arabs, R. cecep lukman yasin and dedi Slamet Riyadi, cet; II (Jakarta: PT. Porch Sciences of the Universe, 2006).

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