Saturday, March 2, 2013

History Of Walisongo

"Walisongo" means nine trustees " They are Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Sunan Ampel, Sunan Giri, Sunan Bonang, Dradjad Sunan, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Kudus, Sunan Muria, and Sunan Gunung Jati. They do not live at the exact same time. Yet another one is linked closely, if not the blood ties are also in the teacher-student relationship

Maulana Malik Ibrahim of the oldest. Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim Ampel children. Sunan Giri is the nephew of Maulana Malik Ibrahim also means Sunan Ampel cousin. Sunan Bonang and Sunan Sunan Ampel Drajad are children. Sunan Kalijaga a friend and disciple of Sunan Bonang. Sunan Sunan Muria Kalijaga child. Kalijaga Sunan Sunan Kudus students. Sunan Gunung Jati is a friend of the Sunan, except Maulana Malik Ibrahim who died first.

They live on the north coast of Java from the beginning of the 15th century to the mid 16th century, in three important areas. Namely Gresik, Surabaya-East Java-Lamongan, Demak-Holy-Muria in Central Java, and Cirebon in West Java. They are intellectuals who became the reformer of his time. They introduced a variety of new forms of civilization: from health, farming, commerce, culture and the arts, community to government.

Pesantren Ampel Denta and Giri are the two most important educational institutions in that period. Giri, Islamic civilization extends throughout the eastern archipelago. Sunan Giri and Sunan Gunung Jati not only scholars, but also the leader of the government. Sunan Giri, Bonang, Kalijaga, and Ghost artwork creators whose influence is still felt to this day. While Sunan Muria is a true companion of the commoners.

Walisongo era is the era of the end of the dominance of the Hindu-Buddhist cultural heritage to be replaced with Islamic culture. They are a symbol of the spread of Islam in Indonesia. Particularly in Java. Of course many other characters that also play a role. But they are a very big role in setting up the Islamic kingdom in Java, as well as its influence on the culture and the society at large propagation directly, making "nine trustees" is more widely known than others.

Each of these figures has a unique role in the spread of Islam. Start of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, who put themselves as a "physician" for the Hindu kingdom of Majapahit; Sunan Giri called the colonialists as "the pope of the East" to Sunan Kalijaga who create works of art using shades that can understand the nuances of the Javanese-Hindu and Buddhist .

Maulana Malik Ibrahim (1)

Maulana Malik Ibrahim, or Abraham Makdum As-Samarkandy estimated born in Samarkand, Central Asia, in the early half of the 14th century. Tanah Jawi Chronicle called Asmarakandi Meinsma version, follow the spoken tongue of the As-Samarkandy Java, turned into Asmarakandi

Maulana Malik Ibrahim Sheikh is sometimes also referred to as the Maghreb. Some people even call it Grandpa Pillow. He was related to Maulana Isaac, renowned scholars Pasai Ocean, and father of Sunan Giri (Raden Paku). Abraham and Isaac was the son of a Persian cleric, Maulana Jumadil named Kubro, who settled in Samarkand. Maulana Jumadil Kubro believed to be descendants of the 10 of Syayidina Hussein, grandson of Prophet Muhammad.

Maulana Malik Ibrahim never lived in Campa, now Cambodia, for thirteen years since 1379. He even married the daughter of the king, who gave him two sons. They are Raden Rahmat (known as Sunan Ampel) and Syed Ali Morteza aka Raden Students. Felt pretty proselytizing missions in the country, the year 1392 AD Maulana Malik Ibrahim fled to the island of Java left his family.

Some versions state that some people coming along. The area was first headed Sembalo the village, the region is still in the Majapahit empire. Sembalo village now, is the area Leran Manyar district, 9 kilometers north of the town of Gresik.

The first activity is doing when it is dealing with how to open the shop. Stalls that provide basic needs at low prices. Moreover specifically Malik Ibrahim also volunteered to treat people free of charge. As a physician, it is reported, he had been invited to treat the king's wife from Campa. Empress likely still relatives of his wife.

Pillow grandfather also taught new ways of farming. He embraced the community-in the Hindu caste aside. Thus was completed the first mission, which is looking for a place in the hearts of people around that when it was hit by the economic crisis and civil war. Finished build and organize cottage where religious learning in Leran, in 1419 AD Maulana Malik Ibrahim died. His grave is now located at the village gate, Gresik, Jawa Timur.n

Sunan Ampel

He was the eldest son of Maulana Malik Ibrahim. According to the Chronicle and the Tanah Jawi Genealogy Sunan Kudus, in his childhood, he was known by the name of Raden Rahmat. He was born in 1401 AD in Campa. Ampel own name, identified with the name of the place where he had long resided. In areas Ampel or Ampel Denta, a region now part of Surabaya (city Wonokromo now)

Some versions state that Sunan Ampel into the island of Java in the year 1443 AD with Sayid Ali Murtadho, his brother. In 1440, prior to Java, they stop in Palembang. After three years in Palembang, then he melabuh to the Gresik. Continued went to Majapahit to see his aunt, a daughter of Campa, named Dwarawati, which dipersunting one king of Majapahit Hindu King Sri Kertawijaya title.

Sunan Ampel married the daughter of a duke in Tuban. From his marriage, he was blessed with several sons and daughters. Among the successors is Sunan Bonang and Sunan Drajat. When the Sultanate of Demak (25 kilometers south of the city of Holy) want to set up, Sunan Ampel helped the birth of the first Islamic kingdom in Java. He is also a student pointing Raden Patah, the son of King UB V king of Majapahit, to become Sultan of Demak in 1475 AD

In Ampel Denta swampy, area awarded the King of Majapahit, he built a boarding school develops. At first he embraced the surrounding community. In the mid 15th century, the school became the center of education is very influential in the archipelago and even overseas. Among his students were Sunan Giri and Raden Patah. The students are then disebarnya to preach to the various parts of Java and Madura.

Sunan Ampel adheres to Hanafi schools of jurisprudence. However, to his students, he was just giving a simple instruction that emphasizes the cultivation of faith and worship. He was the one who introduced the term "Mo Limo" (moh game, ngombe moh, moh thief, opium moh, moh Madon). That calls for a "do not gamble, do not drink, do not steal, do not use drugs, and do not commit adultery."

Sunan Ampel thought died in 1481 AD and buried in Demak Mosque Ampel west, Surabaya.n

Sunan Giri

It has a small name Raden Paku, aka Muhammad Ainul sure. Sunan Giri born in Blambangan (now Banyuwangi) in 1442 AD There is also a call Jake ocean. A name that is associated with childhood that once discarded by the family of his mother-a princess named Dewi Sekardadu Blambangan to sea. Raden Paku then collected by Nyai Semboja child (Babad Tanah Jawi Meinsma version).

His father was Maulana Isaac. Maulana Malik Ibrahim siblings. Maulana Isaac managed to Islamkan his wife, but failed to Islamize the law. That is why he left his wife, the family ventured down to the ocean Pasai.

Sunan Giri small misannya studying in boarding schools, Sunan Ampel, where Raden Patah also studied. He had ventured to Malacca and Pasai. Having had enough knowledge, he opened a boarding school in the hill village of Sidomukti, South Gresik. In the Java language, the hill is "giri". So he called Sunan Giri.

Pesantren was not only used as a place of education in the narrow sense, but also as a center for community development. King of Majapahit-supposedly for fear of Sunan Giri-trigger revolt gave him the flexibility to set government. Then rose schools developed into one of the centers of power called Giri Kedaton. As government leaders, Sunan Giri also referred to as King Satmata.

Giri Kedaton grow into an important political center of Java, at the time. When Raden Broken escape from Majapahit, Sunan Giri instead acted as adviser and military commander of the Sultanate of Demak. It is recorded in the Annals of Demak. Furthermore, Demak was not free from the influence of Sunan Giri. He is also recognized as a mufti, the highest religious leader, a Java.

Giri Kedaton last up to 200 years. One of his successors, Prince Singosari, known as the most adamantly opposed to collusion VOC and Amangkurat II at Century 18.

The students boarding Giri also known as a staunch propagator of Islam to various islands, such as Bawean, Kangean, Madura, Haruku, Ternate, until Nusa Tenggara. Propagator of Islam to South Sulawesi, Datuk Ribandang and two companions, was a disciple of Sunan Giri from Minangkabau.

In religion, he was known for his vast knowledge in the science of jurisprudence. People also refer to it as the Sultan Abdul Fakih. He also pecipta incredible artwork. Kids games like Jelungan, moldy, winch-ilir and cublak suweng called Sunan Giri creations. Similarly Gending asmaradana and Javanese Pucung again but with the teaching requirements Islam.n

Sunan Bonang

He is the son of Sunan Ampel, which means also the grandson of Maulana Malik Ibrahim. His given name is Raden Makdum Ibrahim. Birth estimated 1465 AD from a woman named Nyi Ageng Manila, the daughter of a duke in Tuban

Sunan Kudus much studied at Sunan Kalijaga. Then he ventured into various areas barren Sragen in Central Java, Simo up Gunungkidul. How berdakwahnya also replicate Sunan Kalijaga: very tolerant culture. The mode of delivery even smoother. That is why the saints are having trouble finding the Holy preachers to which the majority of followers of firm-appointed.

How to approach the Holy Ghost Sunan is to utilize the symbols of Hinduism and Buddhism. This is evident from the Holy mosque architecture. Its towers, gates and shower / ablution Padasan representing eight Buddhist path. A form of compromise between Sunan Kudus.

One time, he was fishing communities to go to the mosque to listen to his sermons. To that end, he deliberately tether the cow, named Kebo Gumarang in the courtyard. Hindus who glorify cattle, be sympathetic. Especially after hearing the explanation of Sunan Kudus of Surat al-Baqara

which means "cow". Until now, most traditional societies Ghost, still refusing to slaughter a cow.

Sunan Kudus also composed stories monotheism. The story is drawn up in series, so that people interested in following the rest. An approach that seems to adopt the 1001 Nights story of the Abbasid Caliphate. With so Sunan Kudus bind society.

Not only preaching as it is done Sunan Kudus. As his father, he also served as Chief of the War of the Sultanate of Demak. He fought at Demak, under the leadership of Sultan Prawata, fought against Duke Jipang, Arya Penangsang.n

Sunan Kalijaga

He is the "guardian" whose name most often mentioned the Java community. He was born around the year 1450 AD. His father was Arya Wilatikta, Duke Tuban-descendants of rebel leader Majapahit, Ronggolawe. Period, Arya Wilatikta estimated to have embraced Islam

First name is Raden Said Sunan Kalijaga. It also has a number of nicknames like Lokajaya, Sheikh Malaya, Prince Raden Abdurrahman.Terdapat Tuban or different versions regarding the origin of the name it bears Kalijaga.

Community Cirebon found that the name was derived from the hamlet Kalijaga in Cirebon. Sunan Kalijaga had ever lived in Cirebon and close friends with Sunan Gunung Jati. Java circles relate guardian fondness for bathing ('kungkum') in the river (times) or "guard time". However, there is mention that the term derived from the Arabic "Qadli dzaqa" which refers to its status as "the prince of the holy 'empire.

Sunan Kalijaga lifetime is estimated at more than 100 years. Thus he had a late power Majapahit (end 1478), the Sultanate of Demak, Sultanate of Cirebon and Banten, even Pajang kingdom that was born in 1546 and the early presence of the kingdom of Mataram led Panembahan Senopati. He participated also designed the construction of the Great Mosque and the Mosque of Demak Cirebon. Pole "chips" (split wood) which is one of the main pillars are the creations of Sunan Kalijaga mosque.

In preaching, he had the same pattern with the mentor and best friend, Sunan Bonang. Understanding religion tends to "Sufi-based salaf"-not a pantheistic Sufi (worship only). He also chose the arts and culture as a means to preach.

He was very tolerant of the local culture. He argues that people will stay away if attacked stance. So they must be approached gradually: follow her influence. Sunan Kalijaga believes that Islam is understood, by their long lost habit.

So impressed syncretic teachings Kalijaga Sunan in introducing Islam. He uses sculpture, puppets, gamelan, as well as sound art mysticism as a means of propaganda. He is the creator of the shirt piety, sekatenan celebration, Grebeg Maulud, Layang Kalimasada, puppet plays Petruk is the king. Landscape of the city center such as Kraton, the square with two banyan and the mosque is believed to be the work of Sunan Kalijaga.

The method is very effective propaganda. Most of the duke in Java embraced Islam through Sunan Kalijaga. Among them was the Duke Padanaran, Kartasura, Kebumen, Banyumas, and Pajang (now Kotagede - Yogya). Sunan Kalijaga buried in Kadilangu-south Demak.n

Sunan Gunung Jati

Many absurd stories associated with Sunan Gunung Jati. Among them was that he had experienced a spiritual journey as Isra 'Mi'raj, then met the Prophet Muhammad, met Prophet Khidr, and the prophet will receive Sulaeman. (Chronicle Cirebon Klayan hal.xxii text).

Everything was just hinted at it in admiration society of the Sunan Gunung Jati. Sunan Gunung Jati or Syarif Hidayatullah was born around the year 1448 is estimated to M. His mother was Nyai Rara Santang, daughter of the king Raden Pajajaran Rarasa Manah. While his father was Maulana Huda Sultan Sharif Abdullah, Egyptian authorities Banu Hashim of Palestinian descent.

Sharif Hidayatullah explore the science of religion since he was 14 years of Egyptian scholars. He had traveled to many countries. Following the establishment of the Sultanate of Demak Bintoro, and the blessing of the other scholars, he founded the Sultanate of Cirebon, also known as the Sultanate Pakungwati.

Thus, Sunan Gunung Jati is the only "wali Songo" leading the government. Sunan Gunung Jati harness their influence as the son of King Pajajaran to spread Islam from Cirebon coast or inland Pasundan Priangan.

In preaching, he embraced Middle Eastern trend is straightforward. But he also approached people by building infrastructure such as roads that connect between regions.

Together with his son, Maulana Hasanuddin, Sunan Gunung Jati also an expedition to Banten. Local authorities, the General shoots, voluntarily handed over control of the Banten region which later became the forerunner of the Sultanate of Banten.

At the age of 89 years, Sunan Gunung Jati resigned his position to pursue just propaganda. Power was handed to Prince Pasarean. In the year 1568 AD, Sunan Gunung Jati died at the age of 120 years, in Cirebon (formerly Carbon). He was buried in the Mount Sembung, Gunung Jati, about 15 kilometers before the town of Cirebon of direction barat.n

Sunan Drajat

His given name Raden Qosim. He is the son of Sunan Ampel. Thus it is related to the Sunan Bonang. It is estimated that holds Sunan Drajat Syaifuddin Raden was born in the year 1470 AD

Sunan Drajat first got the assignment from his father to preach to the coast Gresik, by sea. He then stranded in Hamlet

Jelog-coast Banjarwati or Lamongan now. But next year Sunan Drajat move 1 kilometer to the south and established a hermitage students Dalem Duwur, now called the Village Drajat, Paciran-Lamongan.

In the teaching of monotheism and faith, Sunan Drajat taking his father's ways: directly and not many local cultural approach. Nevertheless, the mode of delivery adapt the way art is done Sunan Muria. Especially the art of mysticism.

So he composed a number mysticism, among them the mysticism adage "give stick to the blind / feed to the hungry / give clothes to the naked '.

Sunan Drajat also known as an unpretentious who likes to help. In the lodge pesantren, he maintains many children orphaned and indigent miskin.n

Sunan Kudus

Sadiq Jaffar his first name. He was the couple's son and Syarifah Ngudung Sunan (Sunan Bonang sister), son Nyi Ageng Maloka. Ngudung mentioned that Sunan is one of the sons of Sultan of Egypt to wander in Java. In the Sultanate of Demak, he was appointed Commander of War

Sunan Kudus much studied at Sunan Kalijaga. Then he ventured into various areas barren Sragen in Central Java, Simo up Gunungkidul. How berdakwahnya also replicate Sunan Kalijaga: very tolerant culture. The mode of delivery even smoother. That is why the saints are having trouble finding the Holy preachers to which the majority of followers of firm-appointed.

How to approach the Holy Ghost Sunan is to utilize the symbols of Hinduism and Buddhism. This is evident from the Holy mosque architecture. Its towers, gates and shower / ablution Padasan representing eight Buddhist path. A form of compromise between Sunan Kudus.

One time, he was fishing communities to go to the mosque to listen to his sermons. To that end, he deliberately tether the cow, named Kebo Gumarang in the courtyard. Hindus who glorify cattle, be sympathetic. Especially after hearing the explanation of Sunan Kudus of Surat al-Baqara, which means "cow". Until now, most traditional societies Ghost, still refusing to slaughter a cow.

Sunan Kudus also composed stories monotheism. The story is drawn up in series, so that people interested in following the rest. An approach that seems to adopt the 1001 Nights story of the Abbasid Caliphate. With so Sunan Kudus bind society.

Not only preaching as it is done Sunan Kudus. As his father, he also served as Chief of the War of the Sultanate of Demak. He fought at Demak, under the leadership of Sultan Prawata, fought against Duke Jipang, Arya Penangsang.n

Sunan Muria

He is the son of Goddess Saroh-Sunan Giri younger brother Maulana Sheikh son Isaac as well, with Sunan Kalijaga. His given name is Raden Prawoto. Muria name is taken from the last residence on the slopes of Mount Moriah, 18 kilometers to the north of the city of Holy

Style berdakwahnya much took his father's ways, Sunan Kalijaga. But unlike his father, Sunan Muria would rather live in a very remote and far away from the city center to spread Islam.

Mingling with the common people, while teaching farming skills, trade and at sea is his favorite.

Sunan Muria is often used also as a mediator in internal conflicts in the Sultanate of Demak (1518-1530), he is known as a person that is able to solve various problems no matter how complicated the issue. The solution is always the solution acceptable to all parties at loggerheads. Sunan Muria preaching from Jepara, Tayu, Juana to about Ghost and Starch. One result is preaching through art and song Sinom Kinanti.

History of Bandung Sea of ​​Fire in Indonesia

In March 1946, within seven days, approximately 200,000 inhabitants made history by burning homes and their possessions, leaving the city of Bandung, toward the mountains in the south. A few years later, the song "Halo-Halo Bandung" was written to symbolize their emotions, as the promise of going back to his beloved city, which has become a sea of ​​fire.

The incidence of tearing Flag

After the proclamation of independence on 17 August 1945, Indonesia has not fully independent. Independence must be achieved gradually through the struggle of the people who are willing to sacrifice everything. After Japan's defeat, the British army troops arrive to disarm the Japanese. They conspired with the Dutch (NICA army) and manipulated Japan to colonize Indonesia again.

News reading of the text of the Declaration of Independence received in Bandung Jakarta through Domei news agency on Friday morning, August 17, 1945. The next day, August 18, 1945, printed text has spread. Printed in red ink by printing Siliwangi. In DENIS Building, Jalan Braga (now Bank Building Jabar), tearing incidents blue flag of the Netherlands, so the red and white colors stay the Indonesian flag. Tearing the bayonet was carried by a young man named Mohammad Indonesia Endang karmas, assisted by Moeljono.

Dated August 27, 1945, formed the People's Security Agency (BKR), followed by the formation of the Indonesian Women Warriors (Laswi) on October 12, 1945. Number of members 300 people, consisting of the combat troops, Red Cross, investigations and supplies.

Events that aggravate the situation occurred on 25 November 1945. In addition to facing an enemy attack, people facing major flooding Cikapundung overflowing river. Hundreds of victims washed away and thousands of people homeless. This situation used to attack enemies of the people who were facing disaster.

Various pressures and continued attacks by the British and the Dutch. Dated December 5, 1945, several British aircraft bombed the area Lengkong Large. On December 21, 1945, the British dropped bombs and gunfire blindly Cicadas. More and more fall victim.

Bandoeng Laoetan Fire

Ultimatum to the Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI) to leave the city and its people, politics spawned "bumihangus". People are not willing to be exploited by the enemy Bandung. They fled to the south with the fighters. The decision to be taken by consensus burned London Assembly Priangan United Struggle (MP3) in the presence of all the power struggles, on March 24, 1946.

Colonel Abdul Haris Nasution as Commander of Division III, announced the results of the deliberations and ordered people to leave the city of Bandung. That same day, a large group of people running the length Bandung to leave the city.

Bandung deliberately burned by TRI and the people with the intention that the Allies can not use it anymore. Here and there, billowing black smoke rose high in the air. All power failure. England began to attack so fierce fighting occurred. The most exciting battle in the Village Dayeuhkolot, south London, where there are a large munitions factory owned by Allied. TRI intends to destroy the ammunition dump. For that diutuslah youth Muhammad Toha and Ramdan. The young men blew up the warehouse with hand grenades. Large warehouse exploded and caught fire, but the two young men were burned in it. Bandung city administration staff will initially remain in the city, but for the sake of it at 21.00 was also out of town. Since then, approximately at 24.00 South London has been empty of inhabitants and TRI. But the fire still burned soar. And London was transformed into a sea of ​​fire.

Scorched Earth Bandung is the right action, because the power of TRI and the people will not be able to resist a powerful enemy. Furthermore TRI with the people to fight a guerrilla from outside Bandung. This incident gave birth to the song "Halo-Halo Bandung" eager to burn the power struggle of the Indonesian people.

Lake of Fire Bandung became famous term after the arson incident. Many wonder where the term originated. The late Major-General AH Nasution remembered during a meeting in Regentsweg (now Jalan Dewi Sartika), after returning from a meeting with Sutan Sjahrir in Jakarta, to decide what to do about the city of Bandung after receiving the British ultimatum.
So I came back from Jakarta, after talking to Sjahrir it. Indeed, in the talks on Regentsweg, at the meeting, talk to everyone. Well, there arises the opinion of Rukana, Commander of the Military Police in Bandung. He argued, "Let us make South London into a sea of ​​fire." What he calls the lake of fire, but the actual sea water "
A.H Nasution, May 1, 1997

Lake of Fire Bandung term appears also in the daily Suara Merdeka on March 26, 1946. A young reporter at the time, namely Atje Bastaman, Bandung burning sight of the hills around Mount Leutik Pameungpeuk, Garut. From the top it Atje Bastaman see a blush from Bandung to Cimindi Cicadas.

After arriving in Tasikmalaya, Atje Bastaman eagerly immediately write news and gives the title Bandoeng Thus Laoetan Fire. However, due to lack of space for writing the title, the headline shortened to Bandoeng Laoetan Fire

History of Arsenal FC

Arsenal Football Club (also known as Arsenal or The Gunners) is an English professional football club based in North London, London. The club plays in the Premier League and is one of the most successful clubs in English football. Arsenal is also a member of the G-14 which consists of the major clubs in European football.

history of the club

Era 1886-1980

Arsenal was founded in Woolwich area, southeast of the city of London in 1886 under the name Dial Square, then quickly changed their name to Royal Arsenal. In 1891 their name changed to Woolwich Arsenal. In 1913, the club moved to the north, namely the Highbury Stadium, which became their headquarters until May 2006. When moving field, the name of their club's future, namely Woolwich Arsenal removed so that only the name remains. Besides being close to the headquarters of Tottenham Hotspur, would not be surprised if the match Arsenal vs Tottenham Hotspur is called "North London derby".

Arsenal triumph was first initiated by Herbert Chapman coach who coached in 1925-1935 and managed to win a couple of British domestic competition (the FA Cup, the Premier League title, and the Charity Shield) once dominated. While Arsenal's best performance in Europe first time this has happened in the season 1969/70, in the event the Fairs Cup (forerunner Pala UEFA). Arsenal became champions for the first time at the event and at the same time last Fairs Cup (UEFA Cup replaced the Fairs Cup since season 1971/72) after defeating the RSC Anderlecht 4-3 on aggregate at the time that the club is coached by Mie Bertie. Throughout 1980 Arsenal Arsenal has added a collection with several domestic titles.

Era 1990-present

In 1991, Arsenal won with Tottenham in the Community Shield after the result of a draw position. Arsenal Achievement in Europe again improved after 1994, the hands of coach George Graham, Arsenal back champions in the European scene after beating Parma FC by a score of 1-0. Arsenal made it back to the finals the following year, 1995, this time losing olehReal Zaragoza 2-1.

The arrival of Arsene Wenger to Arsenal in 1996 managed to make Arsenal return victorious and managed to destroy the dominance of Manchester United in the Premier League at the time. Arsenal managed a runner-up in the UEFA Cup in 2000 after against Galatasaray on penalties 4-1. In the 2003-2004 season until the beginning of the 2004-2005 season, Arsenal scored a record 49-match unbeaten run and broke the record belongs to Nottingham Forest FC (42 times), which is the longest unbeaten run in English football history. In the 2005-2006 season, Arsenal achievement in the European scene with a Champions League finalists FC Barselona after losing 2-1 at the Stade de France, Paris. Hiks2 ...... And dah winning first, but applaud for Arsenal to score first through Campbell's header ..... Arsenal went ahead anyway, with your Young Gunners.


Since inception, Arsenal stadium moved a few times. Starting from wearing a named field in Woolwich Manor Ground, then moved to North London, Highbury Stadium as well as building and used first used in 1913. Arsenal Stadium was used until the 2005/06 (or aged less than 93 years). The last game that was held at Highbury Stadium is the Premier League, the Arsenal vs Wigan Athletic which was won by Arsenal with the score 4-2 with three goals from Thierry Henry.

From July 2006 until now, the club occupies its new headquarters, the Emirates Stadium with a capacity of 60 500 seats and is located at Ashburton Grove and dedication Emirates Stadium once the first match is held by the holding of a friendly match between Arsenal players with Dutch legend to farewell Dennisa Bergkamp, ​​the former Arsenal striker. Goodbye Bergkamp. Bergkamp is a legend for Arsenal. Bergkamp also brought a change of how to play the English klub2 play kick and rush method ....


Besides unbeaten record (49 times) to be the longest in England, Arsenal also have many other achievements, namely:

Premier League: 13

1931, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1948, 1953, 1971, 1989, 1991, 1998, 2002, 2004

FA Cup: 10

1930, 1936, 1950, 1971, 1979, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2005

League Cup / League Cup: 2

1987, 1993, became a finalist in 1968, 1969, 1988, 2007

FA Charity Shield / FA Community Shield: 11

1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1938, 1948, 1953, 1991 (joint winner with Tottenham), 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004

Cup Winners' Cup: 1

1994, two-time finalist in 1980 and 1995

UEFA Cup: 1

1971 (when it was still called the Fairs Cup, renamed the UEFA Cup since 1972), once a finalist in 2000

Champions League: 0

was a finalist in 2006

Emirates Cup: 1

Indonesia arsenal soccer school

Arsenal SSI precisely in the southern city of Jakarta. Taking ISCI Chester facility, in November 2007, SSI Arsenal had to accommodate about 250 students from ages U - 8 years up to U - 18 years.

For eight training sessions, which once spent two hours training, memakang cost between Rp. 2.5 million up to Rp. 3.5 million. That means for students to practice at least once reached around Rp. 220,000.

SSI Arsenal itself came through Iman Arif idea to build a football school early childhood provider leveraging a network Arsenal as one of the leading clubs. For that, the SSI Arsenal in cooperation under Arsenal's Community Development Department, and not the Commercial Department.

As a first step to penetrate the Emirates Stadium Arsenal pride, SSI Arsenal will be involved in soccer invitational held in London, England, in July 2008. in following these invistasi, SSI Arsenal will involve players of all ages. In invitational Reach Your Goal in Singapore, the U - 12 years is ranked third out of six teams, and, among others, hit the U - 12 years Japan 3-2


Full name
Arsenal Football Club

The Gunners

1886 with the name of Dial Square

Emiates Stadium


Peter Hill-Wood

Arsene Wenger

History of AC Milan

Associazione Calcio Milan, Italy (AC Milan or Milan called it) is an Italian football club based in Milan. They play with a red-striped uniform of black and white pants (sometimes black), so called rossoneri ("red-black"). Milan is the third most successful team in Italian soccer history, winning Serie A and the Italian Cup 18 times 5 times.

The club was founded in 1899 under the name Cricket and Football Club Milan (Milan Cricket and Football Club) by Alfred Edwards, an expatriate Inggris.Sebagai respect for its origins, Milan still use the English spelling of the name of his city (Milan) rather than using the spelling Italian Milano.

Beginning of the form "Saremo una squadra in Diavoli. I nostri colori saranno il rosso come il fuoco e il nero come la paura che incuteremo agli avversari!

The club was founded by two British expatriates, namely Herbert Kilpin and Alfred Edwards as Cricket and Football Club Milan in December 16, 1899. At the time, Edwards became the first club president Milan and Kilpin became the first captain Milan. Spring 1901, Milan won his first title as a champion of Italian football, after beating Genoa CFC 3-0 in the final of the Italian Football Championship. In 1908, part of the Italian players and players from Switzerland who do not like the Italians and British dominance in the core squad Milan at the time, broke away from Milan and Internazionale form. Period GreNoLi

In the decade of the 50's, Milan feared in world football because they have GreNoLi trio, consisting of Gunnar Gren, Gunnar Nordahl and Nils Liedholm. Trio is a Swede. Gren and Nordahl sector operates in front as a striker, while Liedholm support the attack as a shadow striker (playmaker). The team at this time is also populated by a bunch of quality players in his time, such as Lorenzo Buffon, Cesare Maldini, and Carlo Annovazzi. The victory by the successful AC Milan Juventus created February 5, 1950, by a score of 7-1, and Gunnar Nordahl scored a hat-trick.

Nereo Rocco Era

Milan wins the season 1961/1962. His coach at that time was Nereo Rocco, an innovative football coach, known as the inventor of catenaccio tactics (defense latch / plated). In the team includes Gianni Rivera and José Altafini are both still young. The following season, with the goal Altafini, Milan won their first European Cup (later known as the UEFA Champions League) by beating Benfica 2-1. This is also the first time an Italian team won the European Cup.

Even so, during the 1960's trophy Milan began to shrink, mainly because of the heavy resistance-trained Inter Helenio Herrera. Next Scudetto arrived only in 1967/1968, thanks to goals Pierino Prati, top scorer of the Serie A season, the Cup Winners Cup been won when they beat Hamburger SV, and also thanks to two goals from Kurt Hamrin. The next season AC Milan won a second European Cup (4-1 to AFC Ajax), and in 1969 won the first Intercontinental Cup, after defeating Estudiantes de La Plata of Argentina in a dramatic two-leg (3-0, 1-2).

Tenth Scudetto and Series B

In 1970, Milan won three Coppa Italia and the Cup Winners' Cup second, however, the main purpose of Milan is the tenth Scudetto, which means getting a "star" for the team (in Italy, every team that won 10 league titles embeddable gets a star on his shirt ). In 1972 they won the UEFA Cup semi-finals, losing to the real winners, Tottenham Hotspur. Season 1972/1973 they almost won the scudetto kesepulh, but failed because the painful defeat of Hellas Verona FC in the final season. AC Milan wait until the season 1978/1979 to reach their tenth scudetto, led by Gianni Rivera, who retired from football after leading his team to victory.
However, the worst comes to the "Rossoneri": after winning the season 1979/1980, Milan were relegated to Serie B by the FIGC, with SS Lazio, because gambling scandal Totonero 1980. In 1980/1981, Milan won the Serie B easily and return to Serie A, where the disease recurred in the season 1981/1982, Milan were relegated again.

The Dream Team
The arrival of Berlusconi

After a spate of problems hit Milan, and the club lost success, AC Milan was bought by Italian entrepreneur, Silvio Berlusconi. Berlusconi is a ray of hope Milan at the time. He came in 1986. Berlusconi bringing new Milan coach, Arrigo Sacchi, and three Dutch players, Marco van Basten, Frank Rijkaard and Ruud Gullit, to return the team to glory. He also bought other players, such as Roberto Donadoni, Carlo Ancelotti and Giovanni Galli.

Sacchi era

Sacchi won the 1987-1988 Serie A season. In 1988-1989, Milan won three Champions League titles, defeating Steaua Bucureşti 4-0 in the final, and his second Intercontinental Cup beating National de Medellin (1-0, goals created in the extra period). The team began to repeat their triumph in the next season, beating SL Benfica, and Olimpia Asunción in 1990. Squad for their European triumph was:

Goalkeeper: Giovanni Galli
Defenders: Mauro Tassotti - Alessandro Costacurta - Franco Baresi - Paolo Maldini
Midfielder: Angelo Colombo - Frank Rijkaard - Carlo Ancelotti - Roberto Donadoni
Forwards: Ruud Gullit - Marco van Basten

Capello Era
When Sacchi left Milan for Italy coach, Fabio Capello made the next coach of Milan, and Milan won the golden age as Gli Invicibli (The Invicibles) and Dream Team. With 58 games without a single defeat Invicibli create a dream team in all sectors like Baresi, Costacurta and Maldini led the best defense, Marcel Desailly, Donadoni, and Ancelotti in the midfield, and Dejan Savicevic, Zvonimir Boban, and Daniele Massaro playing in front of the sector. At trained Capello, Milan ever come to Indonesia for a seasonal tour against local club Persib Bandung. The match starts at the Bung Karno Main Stadium on June 4, 1994 that Milan won with a landslide score 8-0. Milan winning goal scored by Dejan Savicevic ('17) ('18), Gianluigi Lentini ('26), Paolo Baldieri ('27) ('48) ('58), Christian Antigori ('68), and Stefano Desideri (' 78).

The period of hard times (Tabarez to Terim)

After the departure of Fabio Capello in 1996, Oscar Washington Tabarez Milan recruit but struggle under his control was less successful, and they always lose a few games early. In an effort to regain its past glory, they call back Arrigo Sacchi to replace Tabarez. Milan get loud slap their worst defeat in Serie A, humiliated by Juventus FC in their own San Siro with a score of 1-4. Milan buy some new players like Ibrahim Ba, Christophe Dugarry and Edgar Davids. Milan fought hard and end the 1996-1997 season ranked eleventh in Serie A.


Sacchi was replaced by Capello next season. Capello signed a new contract with Milan recruit as much potential as Christian Ziege, Patrick Kluivert, Jesper Blomqvist, and Leonardo; but the results are just as bad with the previous season. They ended the 1997-1998 season ranked tenth. These results remained unacceptable Milan officials, and as Sacchi, Capello was sacked.


In their search for a new manager, Alberto Zaccheroni attract the attention of Milan. Zaccheroni was manager of Udinese which ended the 1997-1998 season on a high rank in the 3rd place. Milan signed Zaccheroni along with two players from Udinese, Oliver Bierhoff and Thomas Helveg. Milan also signed Roberto Ayala, Luigi Sala and Andres Guglielminpietro and Zaccheroni's favorite 3-4-3 formation, Zaccheroni led the club to win the scudetto-16 back to Milan. Starting XI is: Christian Abbiati; Luigi Sala, Alessandro Costacurta, Paolo Maldini; Thomas Helveg, Demetrio Albertini, Massimo Ambrosini, Andres Guglielminpietro; Zvonimir Boban, George Weah, Oliver Bierhoff.


Despite its success in the previous season, Zaccheroni failed to transform Milan as The Dream Team first. In the following season, despite the emergence of Ukrainian striker Andriy Shevchenko, Milan disappoint their fans in both the 1999-2000 UEFA Champions League or Serie A. Milan out of the Champions League early, winning only one of their six matches (three draws and two lost) and ended the 1999-2000 season at the 3rd place. Milan does not become a challenge to two scudetto competitor at the time, SS Lazio and Juventus.


In the following season, Milan qualify for the 2000-2001 UEFA Champions League after beating Dinamo Zagreb 9-1 on aggregate. Milan started the Champions League with enthusiasm, defeating Beşiktaş JK from Turkey and Spanish giants FC Barcelona, ​​which at that time consisted of world-class international superstars, Rivaldo and Patrick Kluivert. But the performance of Milan began to decline seriously, the series against a team (which is seen as a small / weak technically to Milan), especially losing 2-1 to Juventus in Serie A and 1-0 to Leeds United. In the second round of the Champions League, Milan have won just once and drawing four times. They failed to beat Deportivo de La Coruña of Spain in the last game and Zaccheroni fired. Cesare Maldini, father of team captain Paolo, was appointed and it soon got better. Maldini official coaching debut in Milan started with a 6-0 win over the U.S. Bari, who still has young guns, Antonio Cassano. It was also under the leadership of Maldini that Milan beat derby rivals Internazionale with a remarkable score of 6-0, a score that was never repeated and where Serginho starred in the game. However, after this peak shape, Milan began to lose again, including a disappointing 1-0 defeat to Vicenza Calcio, with the only goal of the match scored by a Luca Toni. In spite of these results, the board of directors insisted that Milan Milan reach fourth place in the league at the end of the season, but Maldini failed and the team ended up in sixth place.


Milan started the 2000-2001 season with the signing of the contract more star players including Cosmin Contra and Javi Moreno who took Deportivo Alavés UEFA Cup finals. They also signed Kakha Kaladze (from Dynamo Kyiv), Rui Costa (from AC Fiorentina), Filippo Inzaghi (Juventus), Martin Laursen (from Hellas Verona), Jon Dahl Tomasson (from Feyenoord), Ümit Davala (from Galatasaray) and Andrea Pirlo (from Inter Milan). Fatih Terim was appointed as manager, replacing Cesare Maldini, and quite successfully. However, after five months at the club, Milan are not in the top five league and Terim was fired for failing to meet the expectations of directors.

Ancelotti Era

Terim replaced by Carlo Ancelotti, despite rumors that Franco Baresi will be the new manager. Apart from the injuries defender Paolo Maldini, Ancelotti managed and ended the 2001-02 season ranked in fourth place in the Champions League last. Starting XI at that time was Christian Abbiati; Cosmin Contra, Alessandro Costacurta, Martin Laursen, Kakha Kaladze, Gennaro Gattuso, Demetrio Albertini, Serginho; Manuel Rui Costa; Andriy Shevchenko, Filippo Inzaghi. Ancelotti led Milan to the Champions League title in season 2002/2003 when they beat Juventus by a shootout in Manchester, England. Milan last won the title by winning the prestigious Italian champions in season 2003/2004 as well as striker Andriy Shevchenko put as the top scorer in the Italian League, the rossoneri-became more feared.

Tides 2006-2008

In the Italian League Serie A 2006/2007, Milan related to Calciopoli scandal which resulted in the club must start the competition with a reduction of 8 points. Even so, the Italian public still take pride in the destruction of the image of Italian football due to Calciopoli, Milan won the football competition of the most prestigious in the world, the Champions League. Results were obtained after conquering Milan Liverpool 2-1 through two goals from Filippo Inzaghi. Accomplish even this degree revenge Milan lost on penalties to Liverpool two years ago. Degree scorer terbanyakpun disabet a genius Milan, Kaká with a notch 10 goals. In mid-season, Milan bring former world player, Ronaldo of Real Madrid to strengthen their attack fleet after young striker Marco Borriello found guilty of doping. Season 2007/2008, Milan was forced to play in the UEFA Cup after only managed to rank 5th under Fiorentina by a margin of 2 points. In the last Serie A, Milan's 4-1 win over Udinese, but at the same time, Fiorentina won 1-0 at Torino with the eventual second place team of no change. To improve performance in the following season (2008/2009), Milan bought a number of new players, including Mathieu Flamini from Arsenal, and Gianluca Zambrotta and Ronaldinho, who both come from Barcelona. In the transfer half of the season 2008/2009, Milan bring David Beckham on loan from the United States soccer club LA Galaxy.

History of Drum

As a child, my family moved from one city to another. There's always the same in the cities dwell, the drum sounds omen prayers arrived. Now I live in Surabaya. The sound of the drum is rarely heard. Yes, now even the mosque or surau-surau in the corners were often no longer wearing the drum and replace it with a microphone. Will sooner or later we will never again hear the sound of the drum in the Earth Indonesia? Only time will tell. Below is writing on the history and origin of the drum in Indonesia, kusarikan of Essence Magazine, October 2008, with edits without changing the essence.

Bedug always associated with the media call worship. It was thought the drum traditions associated with Chinese culture. The existence Bedug forces associated with Cheng Ho expeditions the 15th century. Admiral Ming imperial envoy Muslim wants drum sound in the mosques, as well as the use of similar tools in Buddhist temples in China. There is also the opinion drums drum originated from Chinese tradition that spread to East Asia, and then entered the archipelago.

But according to Drs M Dwi Cahyono, archaeologists from the State University of Malang who conducted the study with a team of Java drum Sampoerna Hijau, in prehistoric times, our ancestors also knew nekara and moko, a type of bronze drums. Its use is associated with religion for rain.

The word Bedug also alluded to in song Malate, a literary ballad form. Literature songs contain stories banner. Generally written during the Mahapahit, from the period of 14-16 century AD. Described in the Song of Malate, musical instrument drum membrafaon distinguished between large drum called TEG-TEG with regular size drum.

Drum at the time it serves as a means of communication and time markers such as war, natural disasters, or other urgent matter. Also rung to mark the arrival time. Then there is a term in Javanese: wis Wanci keteg. Means "time of day" is taken from the time when tegteg sounded.

Cornelis de Houtman in the account of the journey D'eerste Boek witness the widespread presence of the drum in the 16th century. When the commander of the Dutch expedition arrived in Banten, he describes in each intersection there are drums suspended and tolled using a bat that is placed next to it. Its function as a danger signal and time marker. This testimony clearly refers to the drum.

Nevertheless, the influence of China was not denied. Judging from the construction, installation techniques ropes / pegs to attach the membrane to vibrate drum resonator in Java, similar to the way it used to drum in East Asia such as Japan, China, or Korea. Other evidence seen in the appearance of terracotta statues found at the site Trowulan. Soldier statues Mongoloid face looked beat Tabang-Tabang, a type of drum that is affected Middle Eastern culture. Chances that musical instruments are played the Chinese Muslims in the capital of Majapahit.

Interestingly, Tabang-Tabang actually a musical instrument that has been around since the Hindu-Buddhist. In it there is a strong influence from India and Muslim Semitic culture. However introduced and played by indigenous Chinese Muslim.

Thus, it can be said drum exemplary embodiment waditra acculturation (membrafon musical instruments, where it occurs Physiographic blend waditra membrafon ethnic archipelago with similar wadistra from outside such as India, China, and the Middle East.

Journey drum enters important phase when it later became part of the Muslim places of worship. No one can be sure when and how to start. But if you want connection refers to the record Cornelis de Houtman, can be ascertained from the occurrence after the 16th century. Drum entrance to the mosque to complement existing drums. In several large mosques as mosques heritage Wali Songo, the two devices are found side by side, for example in the Holy Mosque Tower.

When entering into a place of worship, the original drum profane earn a place of honor. In some places such as the Grand Mosque of Surabaya, Ciptarasa Cirebon Mosque, and Grand Bagelen, drum the title of "Kyai or" the ". Another reality, old broken drum also not be removed, but replaced with her new drum.

History Tengger tribe | Indonesia

Hindu Tengger tribe living in the area of ​​Mount Bromo, East Java. There are many meanings of the word Tengger conceived. Etymologically, Tengger means standing upright, still without moving (Java). When associated with customs and beliefs, meaning perch is tengering nobility. That is a sign that people own nobility. Other meanings are: the mountains. Tengger was located on the slopes of the mountains and the Tengger Semeru. There is also a perch association with the public about the myth of marital embryo occupants Tengger region, namely Rara Anteng and Joko Seger.

Rara saga Anteng and Jaka Seger

Once, in ancient times, there was a princess consort of King UB with Majapahit Kingdom. His name is Rara Anteng. As the situation deteriorated kingdom, Rara Anteng looking for a safer place to live. He and his punggawanya go to the Tengger Mountains. In the village Krajan, he stopped the tiger, then proceeded to Pananjakan. He settled in Pananjakan and started farming. Rara Anteng later adopted by Rishi Dadap, a priest who lived in the mountains of Bromo.

Meanwhile, Kediri also messed up as a result of the political situation in Majapahit. Joko Seger, the son of a Brahmin, exiled to a village Kedawung while looking for his uncle who lives near Mount Bromo. In this village, Joko Seger get the people who settled in Pananjakan Majapahit. Joko Seger Pananjakan went on his way up.

Joko Seger lost and met immediate Rara Anteng him to his residence. Arriving at his home, Rara Anteng accused have committed an affair with Joko Seger by pinisepuhnya. Joko Seger defend Rara Anteng and stated it was not true, then apply for the girl. Application was received. Resi White Dadap validate their marriage.

It's been eight years of marriage, but they also did not have children. They imprisoned 6 years and every year changing direction. Sang Hyang Widi Wasa respond to their meditation. From the top of Mount Bromo out bursts of light which is then infiltrated into the soul Rara Anteng and Joko Seger. There pawisik they will be blessed with children, but the last child to be sacrificed in the crater of Mount Bromo.

This couple blessed with 25 children fit their application, because the Tengger people very little. Last son named R Kusuma.

Years later Mount Bromo issued flame as a sign of promise must be kept. The husband and wife was not willing to sacrifice their youngest child. R Kusuma then hidden around the village Ngadas. But the flame was arrived at Ngadas. R Kusuma then went to the crater of Mount Bromo. From the sound of R Kusuma crater so that his brothers live in harmony. He was willing to sacrifice as a representative of his friends and the local community. He says, every 14 Kesada,'m tribute crops. Another story suggests brothers keeper R Kusuma be other places.

Now the ceremony known as the Kesada. In Kesada ceremony, the shaman always narrates the story of Joko Seger - Rara Anteng.

History of Mount Bromo | Indonesia

History of Mount Bromo | Indonesia
In the mountainous region of Tengger, we know the existence of Mount Batok, sea sand, and the famous crater of Mount Bromo. Apparently they got the origin and history in the form of legends.

Before Rara Anteng married Joko Seger (see post before this), a lot of men who fancied. Understandably, very natural beauty as well as Goddess. Among the suitors, there Kyai Bima, powerful villains. Rara Anteng just could not refuse the proposal. He accepted on the condition that the Milky Kyai make ocean on the mountain and finished overnight.

Kyai Bima undertakes these requirements and work hard digging to make the sea with shell (shell) which traces until now the Mount Bathok, sand and sea (ocean wedhi) spread widely around the top of Mount Bromo. To irrigate the sea of ​​sand, made ​​a giant wells, the scar is now the crater of Mount Bromo.

Rara Anteng anxious to see magic and recklessness Kyai Bima. He was soon to find a way to thwart the Milky Kyai interest for him. He also grind corn loudly as dawn, but still night. Hearing the sound of the pounding corn, the chickens get up and crow. So did the bird. Kyai Bima surprised. Thought daybreak. His work has not been completed. Kyai Bima then leave Mount Penanjakan. He left signs:

1.Segara Wedhi, the sand beneath Mount Bromo
2.Gunung Batok, which is a hill which lies to the south of Mount Bromo, shell shaped like a ditengkurapkan.
3.Gundukan land spread in the Tengger, namely: Shoulder Mount-ox, Dollar Mountain, Mount Linga. Mount Gendera, and others.

History of Central Tapanuli | Indonesia

After the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the implementation of government affairs in the area include Central Tapanuli remain within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. On August 24, 1945 Resident of Tapanuli, then menghunjuk ZA GLR Sutan Komala Pontas Sibolga District Leader and later as Demat be responsible for managing the machinery of government in Central Tapanuli. At that time Dr. Ferdinand Lumbantobing Tapanuli a former vice-resident resident resident Tarutung Tapanuli.

On October 15, 1945 by Mr. Sumatra Governor. T. Mohd. Hasan handed over the affairs of the establishment of the Autonomous region in its territory equivalent to the local government of each resident.

Governor Tapanuli East Sumatra by Decree No. 1 of 1946 raised and confirmed ZA GLR Sutan Komala Pontas as regent / head LUHAK Central Tapanuli. As per decision of East Sumatra Governor on May 17, 1946 Sibolga serve as the Administrative City, headed by a mayor and at that time doubled by Regent Sibolga (Central Tapanuli) that ZA GLR Sutan Pontas Komala. The total area defined by the City Administrative Sibolga Tapanuli Resident Assessment No. 999 Year 1946.

In 1946 in the Central Tapanuli district began to be formed to replace the system of Government Onder Afdeling District Government in the Netherlands. Central Tapanuli as confirmed by the Government of the Autonomous Region by Law No. 7 of 1956 on the establishment of DRT Autonomous Districts in the Region of North Sumatra Province. Based on Regional Regulation No. 19 Central Tapanuli of 2007 it was determined Anniversary Central Tapanuli is dated August 24, 1945.

In the course of the Government of Central Tapanuli successive regional heads ranging from ZA GLR Sutan Komala Pontas (1945 - 1946), Prof.. Mr. M. Hazairin (1946 - 1946), A. M. Djalaluddin (1946 - 1947), Sori Mangaraja Young (1947 - 1952), Ibn Sa'adan (1952 - 1954), King Djundjungan (1954 - 1958), Matseh GLR. Kasayangan (1958 - 1959), M. Samin Pakpahan (1959 - 1965), S.S. Paruhum Stn. Singengu (1965 - 1967), Ridwan Hutagalung (1967 - 1975), Wake Siregar (1975 - 1980), Lundu panjaitan, SH (1980 - 1985), H. Abd. Dalimunthe Wahab, SH (1985 - 1990), Drs. Amrun Daulay (1990 - 1995), Drs. Panusunan Pasaribu (1995 - 2001), Drs. Tuani Lumbantobing (2001 - 2006), Drs. Rudolf Pardede, as Acting (2006), Drs. Tuani Lumbantobing (2006 - Present).

History of Mother's Day

History of Mother's Day started from the convergence of female fighters to Indonesia I hold a Congress of Women at 22 to 25 December 1928 in Yogyakarta, in the building that later became known as the Road Mandalabhakti Wanitatama Adisucipto. Attended by about 30 women's organizations from 12 cities in Java and Sumatra. Results from one of the Congress is to establish the Women's Congress is now known as the Indonesian Women's Congress (Kowani).

Women's organization itself has been around since 1912, inspired by the struggles of the heroine of the 19th century such as M. Christina Tiahahu, his Dien Cut, Cut Mutiah, R.A. Kartini, Walanda Maramis
Dewi Sartika, Nyai Achmad Dahlan, Rangkayo Rasuna Said and others.

The event is considered as one of the important milestones of the history of the struggle of women in Indonesia. Leaders of women's organizations from different areas of a archipelago gather their thoughts and passion to strive for independence and improvement of women's lot. Various issues when it is thought to work on the archipelago female unity; inclusion of women in the struggle for independence; inclusion of women in various aspects of nation-building; trafficking of children and women; improved nutrition and health care for mothers and infants; early marriage for women , and so on. Without fanfare colored gender equality, women fighters do critical thinking and various efforts are critical to the progress of the nation.

Determination dated December 22 as the celebration of Mother's Day was decided in the third Indonesian Women Congress in 1938. 25-year commemoration of Mother's Day in 1953 was celebrated festive in no fewer than 85 cities in Indonesia, ranging from Meulaboh to Ternate.

President Sukarno set by Presidential Decree. 316 in 1959 that December 22 is Mother's Day and is celebrated nationally today.

Diperingatinya Mission Mother's Day was originally more to commemorate the spirit and struggles of women in order to improve the quality of this nation. From there also reflected the spirit of the women of diverse backgrounds to come together and work together. In Solo, for example, 25 years Mother's Day is celebrated by making a charitable market outcome Workers Welfare Foundation to fund scholarships for women and girls. At the time of Mother's Day Solo committee also held a public meeting passed a resolution asking the government to control prices, especially staple ingredients. In the 1950's, Mother's Day takes the form of a march and rally to voice the interests of women directly.

A pivotal moment for women is the first time a woman is Maria Ulfah minister in 1950. Before independence the Congress Women are involved in the international movement and the struggle for independence itself. In 1973 Kowani become a full member of the International Council of Women (ICW). ICW serves as one of the categories of consultative council of the United Nations.

Today, Mother's Day in Indonesia celebrated to express love and gratitude to his mother, praised the mother's mothers. Various activities at the memorial was a special gift, flower editing, a surprise party for mothers, various cooking competitions and kebaya, or free the mother from the burden of daily domestic activities.

History of Batik

Batik (Batik or words) comes from the Javanese "amba", meaning to write and "nitik". The word batik itself Consulting on Batik pattern-making techniques - using a canting or cap - and dyeing cloth using the color barrier material on Batik Batik "night" (wax) is applied over the fabric, so that resist the entry of dye. In English, this technique is known as wax-resist dyeing.

So Batik fabric is a fabric that has a decoration or pattern created by canting and cap by using the night as the color barrier material. This technique can only be applied on top of a material made from natural fibers such as cotton, silk, wool and can not be applied over the fabric with man-made fibers (polyester). Cain Solo Batik-making style and coloring are not using this technique known as batik patterned cloth - usually made in industrial scale with a printing technique (print) - not a batik cloth. Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (especially Java) since long.

Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik Batik Clothing and blouse batik for a living, so in the past batik Batik Solo work is exclusively women's work until the invention of "Batik Cap" which allows the entry of men into the field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely the coastal batik masculine lines as can be seen in shades of "Mega Clouds", which in some coastal areas batik work is common for men. A variety of shades and colors Batik Fashion Design influenced by various foreign influences. Initially, batik has a variety of shades and colors are limited, and some patterns Clothing Blouse batik Batik and should only be used by certain circles. However, coastal batik absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders and also in the end, the invaders. Bright colors like red popularized by the Chinese, who also popularized the style phoenix.

European colonial nations are also taking interest in batik, and the result is a style previously unknown flowers (like tulips) and also objects brought by the colonizers (the building or horse-drawn carriage), including their favorite colors like blue. Retain traditional batik s type, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, because usually each style has a representation of each. Mechanical Design and batik Batik Clothing has been known since thousands of years ago. There is no historical information is quite clear about the origins of Batik. Some suspect this technique comes from the Sumerian, then developed in Java after being taken by Indian traders. Currently batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Iran. Besides Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries on the African continent. However, batik, which is very famous in the world is batik from Indonesia, mainly from Java.

Batik is historically derived from the days of our fathers, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated by the shape of animals and plants. But in its development history of batik have evolved, from painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to an abstract motif that resembles a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so forth. Furthermore, through the merger of the painting with the art of decorating style clothing, batik art emerged as we know it today.

The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the patterns and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. Indonesian cultural treasures so rich nation has been driving styles and types of batik tradisioanal characterized by its own particularity.

History of oil palm plantations

Oil palm was brought to Indonesia by the Dutch government in 1848. Some seeds are planted in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, while the rest of the seeds planted at the edges of the road as an ornamental plant in the Deli, North Sumatra in the 1870s. At the same time meningkatlah vegetable oil demand due to the Industrial Revolution the middle of the 19th century. From here then came the idea to make palm oil based plant selection from Bogor and Deli, the type of oil dikenallah "Deli Dura".

In 1911, plantations were cultivated and grown commercially by pioneering in the Dutch East Indies was Adrien Hallet, a Belgian, who then followed by K. Schadt. The first oil palm plantations are located on the East Coast of Sumatra (Deli) and Aceh. Plantation area reached 5123 ha. Captive breeding center and then incorporated in Marihat (known as AVROS), North Sumatra and in Rantau Panjang, Kuala Selangor, Malaya 1911-1912. In Malaya, the first plantation was opened in 1917 in the field Tenmaran, Kuala Selangor use of Deli dura seed Rantau Panjang. In West Africa alone planting of large-scale oil palm started in 1911.

Until the Japanese occupation, the Dutch East Indies is a major supplier of palm oil. Since the Japanese occupation, the production declined to only one-fifth of the number in 1940. [2]

Efforts to increase the period of the Republic carried out with the program Bumil (labor-military) were not successful in improving results, and then taken over by a major supplier of Malaya (then Malaysia).

New since the New Order era encouraged the expansion of planting area, combined with PIR plantation system. The expansion of oil palm plantations continue due to rising oil prices so that the role of rising vegetable oil as an alternative energy.

Some palm trees planted in the Bogor Botanical Gardens until now still alive, with a height of about 12m, and is the oldest oil palm in Southeast Asia from Africa.

History of Basketball

Basketball is considered as a unique sport because it was created by accident by a gym teacher. In 1891, Dr. James Naismith., A sports teacher from Indonesia who teach at a college for professional students at the YMCA (a Christian youth container) in Springfield, Massachusetts, to make a game in an enclosed space to fill time students during winter break New England.Terinspirasi of the game he had played as a child in Ontario, Naismith created the game now known as basketball on December 15, 1891.

According to the story, after rejecting several ideas being considered too loud and not suitable to be played in the stadium-arena closed, he then wrote a few basic rules, put a basket on the wall of the gym, and asked his students to start playing the game of his creation.

Official game basketball first, held on January 20, 1892 at work Dr. James Naismith. "Basket ball" (the term for this sport in English), is a name that was initiated by one of his students. This sport became immediately famous throughout the United States. Fanatical fans placed throughout the branches of the YMCA in the United States. Game by game immediately implemented in cities across the U.S. states.
At first, each team of nine people and no dribble, so the ball can only move through the pass (throw). History regulation basketball game begins from 13 basic rules were written solely by James Naismith. The basic rules are as follows.
  1. The ball may be thrown in any direction by using one or both hands.
  2. The ball can be hit in any direction by using one or both hands, but should not be beaten using fists (punching).
  3. Players may not run while holding the ball. The player must throw it from the spot where the ball receives the ball, but if the player is allowed to run at normal speed.
  4. The ball must be held in or between the hands. Arms or other limbs are not allowed to hold the ball.
  5. Players are not allowed butting, holding, pushing, hitting, or tackle the opposing players in one way. The first violation of these rules will be counted as an error, a second offense will be liable to disqualification offenders players to the basket ball team entered by the opponent, and if the offense was committed for the purpose of injuring an opponent, then the player will be punished violators should not come into play throughout the game . At this time, no substitutions allowed.
  6. A mistake was made when the players hit the ball with a fist (punching), in violation of Rules 3 and 4, as well as breaking things mentioned in Rule 5.
  7. If one party made three consecutive errors, then the error will be counted as a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents back violation).
  8. Goal occurs when the ball is thrown or hit from the field into the basket, in this case the players who keep the baskets do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball stops on the edge of the basket or the opposing player moves the basket, it will not count as a goal.
  9. If the ball out of the action, the ball will be thrown back in and played by the first player to touch it. In case of disagreement about the ownership of the ball, then wasitlah that will throw it into the field. Pitchers were given 5 seconds to throw the ball in his hands. When he held longer than this time, then the possession of the ball will move. If one party does to postpone the match, the referee can give them a warning infringement.
  10. The referee has the right to pay attention to the players and the game records the number of violations and notify the referee when a violation helper row. The referee has the full right to disqualify any player who commits an offense in accordance with Rule 5.
  11. Referee maid noticed the ball and make a decision if the ball is deemed to have off the field, the change of possession of the ball, as well as timing. Referee maid right to determine the legitimacy of a goal and count the number of goals happen.
  12. When the game is 4 quarters each 10 minutes
  13. Parties who gets the most goals will be declared the winner.

Basketball games have been very popular since it was first developed and introduced by James Naismith. One development is the creation of a slam dunk or menombok movement, ie the movement to include basketball and melesakan directly into the basket that can be done with a powerful acrobatic moves outstanding.

History of Agriculture Quarantine

In 1877 was initiated laws and regulations related to quarantine (plant), the Ordinance December 19, 1877 (Gazette 262) on the prohibition of importation of coffee and coffee beans from Sri Lanka.

In 1914 as a follow up of the Ordinance of January 28, 1914 (Gazette 161), to provide institutional quarantine activities in Indonesia actually started by a government organization called Instituut voor en Plantenzekten Cultures (Investigation Center of Plant Diseases and Aquaculture)

In 1930 the implementation of quarantine operations at ports controlled centrally by the Director of Plant Disease Investigation Center and Aquaculture, and established an Institute employee who later was given the rank as Plantenziektenkundigeambtenaar (employee plant pathologist)

In 1939 the plant quarantine office (Planttenquarantine Diest) has become one of the three sections of the Plant Disease Investigation Center (Instituut voor Plantenziekten).

In 1957 the Keptusan Minister of Agriculture, the agency upgraded to Part.
In 1961 BPHT renamed LPHT (Research Institute of Plant Pests and Diseases), which is one of 28 research institutes under the Bureau of Agricultural Research.

In 1966, in the reorganization of plant quarantine offices no longer be accommodated in the organization Institute for Agricultural Research Center (LP3), which is the embodiment LPHT. Then the quarantine to be one part in the Bureau of Foreign Relations Secretary-General of the Department of Agriculture.

In 1969, plant quarantine organization status changed back to the enactment of the Directorate Karntina herbs are operationally under the Ministry of Agriculture and administratively under the Secretary-General. With the status of Directorate , the status of plant quarantine organization increased from echelon to echelon II III.

In 1974, the quarantine organizations integrated in the container under the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine Agency for Agricultural Research and Development.

In 1980, by Decree of the Minister of Agriculture. 453 and no. 861 In 1980, the organization Centre for Agricultural Quarantine (which incidentally has only been charged karatina plant ex Directorate of Plant Quarantine), has a wide range of management control. Centre for Agricultural Quarantine at that time consisted of five Hall (Echelon III), 14 stations (Echelon IV), 38 Post (Echelon V) and 105 working areas (non-structural) spread throughout Indonesia.

In 1983 the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine diverted back of AARD guidance to the Secretariat General of the operations directly under the Ministry of Agriculture. But this time the two elements quarantine (plants and animals) are really integrated. In 1985 the Directorate General of Livestock handed coaching quarantine unit, while coaching menyerhkan IAARD quarantine unit, each with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2001 formed the Agricultural Quarantine Agency, Organization echelon in the Department of Agriculture through the Presidential Decree. 58 Year 2001.

Quarantine Organization

Agricultural Quarantine in Indonesia is the responsibility of the implementation by the Department of Agriculture Agricultural Quarantine Agency, the Organization of the Ministry of Agriculture Echelon. Agricultural Quarantine Agency is headed by a Head of Agency.

History of Dance Plate

It is uncertain exactly on the history of dance Plate. However, this is believed that free it has been in existence for so long in the Malay Archipelago since over 800 years ago. This dance is believed to have a foothold in West Sumatra or more recognizable as Minangkabau, and grow up to the era of Sri Viiaya. The appearance of the Majapahit kingdom in the period to 16, who dropped the Sri Vijaya kingdom has led to the development of the Dance Plate countries together penghijrah Malay or people of Sri Vijaya escape then.

Dance Creator Dishes

Dance is said to be created rather than'' plates beautiful women dressed beautiful, and walk with gentle courtesy and discipline when carrying plates of delicious food to be offered to the gods as offerings. These women will dance while walking, and in the same time showing their skills to bring a plate that contains food. "Coming of Islam has brought changes to the trust and the concept of this dance. Tari plates are no longer offered to the gods, but for the majlis majlis-crowd who attended shared by kings or princes of the country.

The beauty and uniqueness of the Dance Plate has led to the expansion of gifts among the commoners, namely dimajlis-majlis perkahwinan involving persandingan. In this case, the concept is still the form of the equation, namely the couple is still regarded as the king namely 'King Day' and a decent dedicated Dance plate in front of him when biting.

How to Dance Dance Plate

There are different ways to dance or dance versions plate, depending on the place or village or area where the dance is practiced plate. But not much distinction between one place to another, especially about the concept, approach and style offerings. As a whole, to understand how the dishes offered sesebuah Dance, here is the sequence or composition of sesebuah offering.

1. Get started early

It is customary that free sesebuah arts offerings have dimulakan with a neat inventory. Before sesebuah offerings were held, in addition to training for mengujudkan efficiency, the dancers dance Plate penafasan also should have a good workout in order not to mess when making offerings.

By the day or during the offering, the dancers dance emphatic ensure pring plate-plate that they would use are in good condition. Cracked or chipped dishes should diketepikan or replaced with another, so as not to endanger yourself or samada crowd watching. When the dancers also have to decide the number of plates to be used.

Immediately after the end of Silat Pulut offerings before the bride and groom, the plates will be arranged in a variety of shapes and composition in the presence of the bride and groom followed by the required number of plates dancers dance and fitness area. In the same period, the dancers dance has been prepared dishes prepared by bolstering two distinctive ring shape, namely the one in the right hand and one finger dijari left hand. The dancer is then holding a plate or flat that is not cracked or chipped.

2. Tee dance

Dishes will dance originated as other features tambourine and gong struck by the musicians. Dancers will initiate Dance Plate with 'worship bride' three times as a sign of respect to the bride namely; worship bride bridal hands before praying hands on the left worship bride on the right hand

3. During the dance

Finished with three ranks wedding worship, dance dance dance commences with the plate will reach the plate in place in front of him and waved his left hand to the right and follow tramp muzik played. Dancers will then stood up and began one by one tread or tread plates that had been developed earlier as he was heading towards the bride and groom in front of him. In habit, Dance dancers plate will ensure that free all the dishes that have been set trampled. After all the dishes done dipijak, Plate Dance dancers will step stride with the original tread plates that had been developed earlier. Dancers should not postpone wedding.

In the same period both the continuous dihayun will hand to the right and to the left while producing sound 'ting ting ting ting .......' results beats fingers dancers who have disarung ring portion view of the plate. Occasionally, both palms are placed dishes will dipusing-confuse up and down as well as if dizzying overhead musingkannya

4. Ending offerings

Dance offerings Sesebuah plate by one dancer will only end when all the dishes had been trampled and dancers close by offering worship or worship cover the bride once again. Also end with a closing worship three worship bride with the following arrangement; worship worship the right hand wedding dress bridal hand left hand side before the worship

Dancing entire period

Entire period or jangkamasa Dance dancers dancing olehseorang plate is dependent on efficiency and skills of the dancers themselves. Efficiency and proficiency menghayun plates were equilibrated with beats so perIu ring. Dancers Dance dishes were not trained may contribute plate placed terIepas palms and fell to the ground. Usually incidents like this very embarrassing dancers.

In the same period the appropriateness dancers foot to tread plates that have been prepared will also affect the entire period sesebuah Plate Dance. But on the whole, one dancer will dance just to dance in the plate during the entire period between three to five minutes other features. By then, the usual, sesebuah offering plate before the wedding dance will only take a period not exceeding 15 minutes, with offerings Plate Dance by between three to seven people. PerIu emphasized that free dance offerings sesebuah plate must be accompanied by dancers with odd numbers eg one, three, five, seven or nine people.

Dancers Dance Clothing Plate

In custom, colorful clothes and beautiful is the case for the compulsory dance sesebuah. But for Dance Plate, with adequate and bersamping dressed Malays only. Dress color is also up to the dancers themselves to decide. However, bright colors such as red and yellow are often the choice for her dancers dance kerana plate more easily seen by the audience.

Dance Music in Plate

Musical instruments used to accompany the dance plate, sufficient to blow Gong Tambourine and other features. Gong is very important blow his deep it will be a guide to determine the steps to the dancers and dance movement plate. In habit, collection and paraded Rebana that accompany the bridal couple are given the responsibility to accompany the dishes Dance offerings. However, in some circumstances may also be accompanied Plate Dance by other instruments such as Talempong and drum.

Philosophy of Dance Plate

Dance plate has a great role in Minangkabau society perkahwinan customs. Basically, the offering plate at sesebuah Dance perkahwinan Majlis-Majlis is for entertainment purposes only. However, these offerings may play a role more than that. Dance Dedication Plate in sesebuah majlis should perkahwinnan dirasai role by four parties namely; told the couple to host the crowd to dance alone

The bride and groom are in the majlis perkahwinan diraikan. They held a 'King Day'. By then, the offering plate dance in front of them was a historic day In such a complement to the same period of the bridal couple will tasted that free their presence as 'the king of the day' is being awaited by the people crowded the symbolic 'welcome' through the Plate Dance. The same thing will dirasai by both the parents and family of the bride. They feel that free persandingan majlis has not been completed and incomplete if not accompanied by the offering plate Dance.

Among the crowd who attended the majlis perkahwinan that, other than as an entertainment, they should give encouragement to the plate to make the dancers dance better offerings and menyeronokkan. In fact, sometimes people crowded the watch will participate accompany these offerings, just to enliven the atmosphere or to demonstrate their skill. This situation is somewhat differed also to the dancers dance plate itself. Half a dancer than dance Plates were still single, shows how good they are dancing to 'lure' escort girls than parties who travel or compatriot girls who are watching their offerings.

An interesting case for dance performances plate is skill and prowess dancers trample glass on stage as an end offerings Plate Dance. Within this offering is glass that has been broken is between three to eight inches above longgokkan a later stage dipijak-departure and quiz dikuis-footed by the dancers. Symbolic for this event is "going through the carrier dish or tread plate glass broken during the side dishes they bring offerings to the gods". Leg injuries are not dancers.