Sunday, December 22, 2013

History of the Rat Temple in Indonesia

Rat Temple
Rat Temple is pertirtaan, made ​​of red stone , except fountains made ​​of stones. And building approximately 3.50 m below the ground surface , a square shape with a size of 22.5 mx 22.5 m . Named as the Rat Temple in 1914 in the area under attack Temon rat , so that residents have problems and crop failure . Then the public deliberation of how to overcome the rat . Then hold a public consensus pegejaran and nest excavation tikis mass . So that each nest to be excavated , the excavation there ternyta slah the findings terminatur temple , which at that time this location is where the tomb mound and local people .

Then the temple terminatur findings reported to the regents mojokerto named R. A. Kromodjojo Adinegoro . The permission of the archaeological department at that time was called Oudheldkundige dients . Excavations reveal the whole building was completed in 1916 , the establishment of which is estimated at VIII to XIV century . However , the function of the temple is not known for certain , by looking at the shape is a sacred bathing . The composition of the temple mountain symbolizing Mahameru dwelling place of the gods and the source of all life that is realized in the form of a flowing water fountains located along the foot of the temple .

Rat Temple is located in Temon village , District Trowulan , Mojokerto . Rat Temple is pertirtaan buildings . It is evident from the miniature temple in the middle bangunanya symbolizing Mount Mahameru dwelling place of the gods and the source of all life that is realized in the form of a flowing water fountains / jaladwara found along the foot of the temple 

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