Wednesday, January 15, 2014

History of the Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake
Ritual presents a wedding cake at the wedding began in Britain in the Middle Ages or the 15th century . When the wedding cake made ​​of wheat , and oddly enough , the cake was thrown to bride as a symbol of fertility . At that time , the wedding cake is also served as dessert .

Not only wedding cakes but also all of the baked goods , which includes scones and biscuits , stacked high and the couple tried to kiss cake topper . The higher the pile , the better and if successful kissed the top of the cake without dropping it believed all marriages will have prosperity .

In the 1600s, a French chef who came to visit the UK quite surprised with a cake piling ritual is considered less neat . He recommends using a broom handle as a milestone that hold the cake . But this does not last long.

In the 17th century , " bride pie " is a popular wedding cake . Start of sweet pie to pie contains minced mutton . At that time , imitation ring inserted into the pie into the eagerly awaited for the invitation is still flunky . If they got in the ring in the pie , they mean next bride .

The Modern Age

Wedding cakes like this start to be made since the 18th century in London . The story begins when William Rich intern falls in love with the daughter of his boss . William inspired by the beauty of the church of St. peaks . Bride and trying to impress his hero by making a big cake and beautiful . The women were impressed with the form of cakes served William as different from general pastries shaped flat at that time .

Even so , the wedding cake is not a popular multilevel served until 1840. Magnificent wedding cake and filled with ornate eventually become compulsory served as served at the wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert ( London ) . Splendor symbolized by the many wedding cake decoration of sugar and fondant , which used to be a luxury item because the sugar price is expensive .

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