Thursday, April 18, 2013

History of Modern Theory of Quantum Mechanics

Physicist Max Born was a pure, original German citizen, then be a British citizen. In 1954, Max Born with Walther Bothe he Nobel Prize for physics for his work in the field of quantum. Quantum mechanics is a branch of mathematical physics which gives a description of the motion of electrons, protons, neutrons and subatomic particles (objects smaller than an atom). Born made a statistical study of the wave function. His work is found to replace the theory kuatum Max Plank, German physicist, in 1900.

Max Born - Inventor of Modern Theory of Quantum Mechanics

Max Born
Born was born in Breslau, Germany, on December 11, 1882. Breslau city now called Wroclaw and including the territory of Poland. He died in Göttingen on the 5th of January, 1970, at the age of 88 years. 4 He was educated at the University of Breslau, Heidelberg, Zurich, and Gottingen. He received his doctorate from the University of Gottingen at the age of 25 years (1907). Later he taught in Berlin and Frankfurt am main. At the age of 39 years (1921), he was appointed professor at the University of Gottingen. He taught theoretical physics or pure physics.

In the same year Max Born reformulate the law of conservation of energy or the first law of thermodynamics. He made a precise definition of the quantity of heat. As such, it presents a mathematical statement which is very satisfying for the law. Three expert mathematics at the university of Gottingen Born affect thinking. Them it was David Hilbert, Felix Klein and Hermann Minkowski. In Berlin, Born acquainted and friends with Max Planck and Albert Einstein. As a teacher, Born to inspire the young men who are very intelligent, which later became a mathematician and physicist famous all over the world. They are Enrico Fermi, Werner Heinsenberg, and J. Robert Oppenheimer.

In 1924 Louis de Brogile, French physicist, noted that govern the motion of matter waves of atomic particles. After finding out that Erwin Schrodinger, Austrian physicist, developed a system of mathematical procedures and concepts of physics called wave mechanics. Primarily on the basis of the work of this Schrodinger, Born to conclusions that indicate the possible presence of matter waves elektrondi somewhere. Interpretation (interpretation) Born on Schrodinger wave equation is very important for the new kuatum theory.

At 1926 Werner Karl Heisenberg, Born student and assistant, first formulated the law of the new quantum theory. Born highly skilled in mathematics, soon developed a mathematical theory by using a careful and systematic. The new quantum theory is then known as quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is more perfect than the quantum theory of Max Planck.

Max Planck's quantum theory is more perfect than Newtonian mechanics. Newtonian mechanics can not be used to discuss objects as small as atoms. Born is not the person who discovered quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics discovered by Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heinsenberg. Born received the Nobel prize for perfect quantum mechanics. Besides perfect quantum mechanics, Born developed the theory of subatomic particle growth. This theory is used to solve problems in atomic particles are scattered. He can explain the dual nature of matter as particles and waves.

In 1933 Hitler become dictator in Germany. He ordered that all Jews be killed. Though Born a Jew, Not wanting to kill Hitler, Born fled to England, German enemy. Born in the UK to get a job as a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. In 1939 World War II broke out, incoming Born a British citizen. Later he was appointed member of the UK Institute of Science. He retired in 1953 and returned to Germany, to Gottingen. Use for the rest of his life he wrote a book and write a lot of articles. Her work is recorded with the title of Work Choices and published in 1963. He condemned the misuse of science for the sake of war. He argues that the scientists responsible for the use of nuclear energy in war and in peace time.

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