Sunday, May 5, 2013

History of Bank

The term bank is language taken from the Italian language, which means that banco table. The use of the term is due to the reality that the administrative process bank work executed on the table. From the word banco is what in Indonesian to "bank", ie entities of interest in finance and spend money in the community, especially providing credit services in payment traffic and the circulation of money, then the juridical definition:

Banks are business entities that raise funds from the public in the form of savings and channel them to the public in the form of credit and or other forms in order to improve the lives of the people. Sense it shows that it not only serves the banks to manage money, but also further to increase the economic level of society. In modern economy, basically banks are intermediaries between the funds and channeling the surplus funds to the needy. This role is called finacial intermediary. In other words, the task basically banks accept deposits and make loans.

According to historical records, the banking business has been known for approximately 2,500 years before Christ in Ancient Egyptian society and Ancient Greek, then Roman people. Therefore appropriate that Plato (427-374 BC) was talking about the dangers of rents. Modern banking began to develop in Italy in medieval controlled by a few families to finance the rapidly growing trade. than of bank after entering the 18th century and 19, until now.

Rapid development of the bank in the current era, and thus the complexity of human needs, the services offered and provided by the bank too complex, such as currency exchange, sending money from one place to another, issue and circulate money. That way, the bank launched a trading role and payment as well as provide security protection money from a variety of disorders, such as theft, and robbery.

Bank when viewed in terms of the type consisting of two, the Islamic Bank and Conventional Banks. There are some fundamental differences of the sexes. Especially when viewed from the operational principles of Islamic Bank do not use the flowers, it will automatically regardless of the monetary turmoil. This condition is different from the conventional banks in operation always wear flowers principle, and the principle of this kind must always pay attention to the domestic inflation rate, real interest rates abroad and other competition. So, depending Conventional Bank and affected by monetary shocks, while Islamic Bank is independent to the application of the results, and it does not depend on the monetary turmoil, even Islamic Bank in this regard may encourage investment, opening new jobs, and equal opportunity efforts. Bank Islam is mentioned, as well as to gain legitimacy and justification of law based on the traditions to be studied further.

History of Eclipse

The first sense of the eclipse the Moon is found in a book entitled China Zhou-Shu, a book of the Zhou Dynasty. This book was found in the year 280 AD (Anna Domini). Eclipse is in the book is an eclipse that occurred centuries earlier. B.C. Russell believes that the eclipse is described in the book relate to events that occurred on January 29, 1136 BC (Before Christ).

While John Steele revealed that the first month of the eclipse observation notes made by the Babylonians was the first year Nabonassar regime precisely in 747 BCE (Before the Common Era). At that time, the Babylonians were able to make a calculation of the eclipse, which is known as the Year of Saros (of Sharu Babylonian language). Long saros year is equal to the pay off period 223 (1 pay off = average sinodic 1 month = 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3 seconds) or approximately 6585 third day, which is 18 years old, 10 or 11 days and 8 hours. 223 pay off the approximately equal to 239 anomalistic month (6585, 537 days), both to within less than 6 hours.

This makes saros interval period other than returning the Moon phase and the same node, it will also restore the Moon at approximately the same distance from Earth. Therefore, the results of this observational record Babylonia contribute knowledge that eclipses are separated by saros period will have a similar characteristic of. In 585 BC the famous philosopher Thales, transmitting knowledge from Babylonian saros cycle to the Greeks. He has also predicted that it would happen in eclipse. Thales's prediction turned out right once and at the time it really happened eclipse.

During its development, eclipse phenomenon does not necessarily understood as natural phenomena scientifically. There are some people who interpret as a supernatural power. On 9 October 425 BC, Wizard of women from Greece exactly Thessaly region claim to have the ability to extinguish the light of the moon and down from the sky. Understanding the development of the eclipse is not going to be separated from various mythologies. The people in the time of ignorance to believe that the eclipse occurs when the birth and death of great men. Prophet cancel this belief and explains the wisdom of God in the occurrence of the eclipse.

When the death of the Prophet's son, Ibrahim, there are some groups who believe that the sun eclipse because of the death of Ibrahim experience. They say so with the intention of glorifying the Holy Prophet and his son. When the Prophet heard what they are saying, Prophet angry, then preach to them that it explains that the Sun and the Moon are two sign among the signs that show the power of God Almighty and no one else for one's power against them. Both did not experience an eclipse because his death or someone, no matter how great the person. So the death or birth of someone no effect at all on the eclipse the Sun and Moon.

An astronomer from the famous Egyptian named Mahmud al-Falaky Phasya using Saros has calculated the number of years of the eclipse that occurred at the time of the death of Sayyid Ibrahim son of Prophet Muhammad. The eclipse occurred in the year 10 AH, precisely on Monday 29 Shawwal 10 H coincides with M 632 on January 27, 0830 in Book Irsyȃd pagi.46 While al-Student, solar eclipse that occurred in the year 632 AD that occurred on Jan. 30 coincides with the month of the year 10 H. Shafar

Periodicity of eclipses in one year has a pattern alongside eclipse. Obviously, not only eclipse the Sun alone, eclipsing the Moon has ever happened in the Prophet. In the book of al-Ershad Pupils that in the days right after the Apostle Prophet migrated from Mecca to Medina, there have been 8 times eclipse the Moon is composed of 5 times and a total eclipse of the Moon 3 times a partial eclipse of the Moon.

While the Fuqaha and Muhadisin found at the time of the Messenger of Allah did not eclipse of the Moon occurs but once and Apostles perform prayers upon. scholars of hadith opinion of jurists and this does not necessarily invalidate the above view of experts reckoning. In their view, although occurred 8 times eclipse, moon eclipse salat Prophet only once precisely the total eclipse the Moon in 5th Hijriyah. The Prophet did not perform prayer Moon eclipse to eclipse that occurred before that year because it has not prescribed. Eclipse that occurred after the partial eclipse that is not perfect in the end except eclipse only. 5 years Hijra is the beginning of the eclipse prayer in Islam.

In essence, the history of the eclipse will not be separated from the development of astronomy. Eclipse is one astronomical phenomenon that has always attracted the attention of people with a wide range of interpretation, whether it be scientific interpretation, supernatural and mythology. Therefore, the development of the reckoning and understanding, is closely linked with the development of astronomy science.

History of Immanuel Kant

Immanuel Kant was a great philosopher who has appeared in stage times Aufklarung German philosophical thought sed eagle late 18th century. Was born on 22 April 1724 in Konigsberg, a small town in East Prussia. The fourth son of a saddler Konigsberg faithful horse with Pietism movement. Immanuel Kant developed in an atmosphere of Christianity. At the age of eight Immanuel Kant began his formal education at the Collegium Fredericanum based school spirit Pietism. At this school he studied Latin, a language that is often used by academics and scientists at that time to express their thoughts.

Immanuel Kant learned almost all courses were given in the university town. Due to financial reasons, Kant college while working. Kant became a private tutor in a wealthy family in Konigsberg. Well at university he became acquainted with Martin Knutzen (1713-1751), a professor who has a major influence on Kant. Knutzen was a disciple of Von Chistian Wolff (1679-1754), and a professor of logic and metaphysics. Even so, he put a special interest in the natural sciences, and able to teach physics, astronomy and mathematics.

In 1755, Immanuel Kant received his "Doctor" with a dissertation entitled "A Brief descriptions of Some Thoughts Concerning the Fire" (Meditationum Quarundum de Igne Succinta Delineatio), a work in the field of natural sciences. After that, Immanuel Kant worked as privatdozent in Konigsberg by teaching subjects: metaphysics, geography, pedagogy, physics and mathematics, logic, philosophy, theology, astronomy, and mineralogy. Kant was dubbed the "Master Capable" (Der Schone Master) as a way of life by teaching a skill orator. Immanuel Kant was able to move the mind and feelings of the audience, and the sharpness of his mind

In March of 1770, Immanuel Kant holds a professor of logic and metaphysics at the University of Konigsberg with a dissertation "On the Form and Principles of the World sensory and Budiah" (De Mundi Sensibilis Atgue Intelligibilis Forma et Principlis).

Life as a philosopher Immanuel Kant can be divided into two time periods ie Pre-Critical and Critical. Life of Immanuel Kant as privatdozent of the year 1755-1770 in the era known as the Pre Critical. In the days of Pre-Critical Kant adheres to the establishment His rationalistic Wolff and his friends. Then influenced by the concept of empirical Hume, and gradually leave Rationalism. Immanuel Kant said that Hume was the one who has to wake itself from sleep dogmatically, the following are critical times. In this second era Kant radically changed the face of philosophy with philosophy and criticism of the criticism he opposes dogmatism.

Immanuel Kant bachelor all his life, maybe he thinks like Nietzsche who argued that the marriage would hinder the attainment of truth, or Telleyrand which found that married people will do anything for money. At the age of 22 years, Immanuel Kant stated "I've set a certain way, I would like to sail on, none of which can hinder me in achieving that goal." According to one biographer, Kant takes place according to the rules of life are decisive, wake up, drink coffee, write, lecture, eat, walk, each having their own time. Then Kant emerged from his door, walked to the lane under shady trees is often called The Streets The Philosopher.

Later in 1796 AD, Immanuel Kant stop giving lectures on the grounds of old age, in 1798 AD his health began to decline. Finally, on February 12, 1804 Kant died at age 80 years in a state of dementia. Many mourners came from all corners of Konigsberg, and throughout Germany. His body was buried in the city cemetery. The tomb was then broken and repaired in 1881, in 1924, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Kant, the remains of his bones were moved to the veranda Konigsberg cathedral in the city center.

When the second world war raged great, cathedral foyer ravaged war against Germany. In 1950, some unidentified people unload stone coffin tomb of Immanuel Kant, and carried off his bones. Who still live until now is a memorial of bronze attached to the wall of the porch, and contains the words "the starry sky above me, the moral law within me" (coelum stellatum supreme, lex intra moralist me). Kant admired two things during his life in this world, when he contemplates the mysteries of the universe (physics) and the mystery of the human person of the (ethics).

In terms of his work, Immanuel Kant was very instrumental in the development of science. His works are filled with a variety of dilemmas and paradoxes are very abstract, which at first seem far from the problems of everyday people. The works were written in a very academic style, which will greatly surprise anyone who read it. The works are monumental and extremely valuable pieces have been created from his thoughts.