Historically it is reported that magnets have been documented around 2500-3000 years BC. Cleopatra was probably the first to use magnets. Noted that he slept on a Lodestone to keep her skin like a young child. The therapeutic knowledge was the Greeks who have been using magnets for since 2500 BC. Magnets have been used in Chinese medicine from around 2000 BC combined with reflexology and acupuncture. In the 15th century a doctor Paracelsus (Swiss) recognizes the power of magnetic therapy. He wrote medical papers on the effects of magnets on the healing process in the body.
In the 16th century, an English doctor Dr William Gilbert made a scientific study of electricity and magnetism. He took out one of the first books on magnetic therapy called "De Magnet". Dr. Gilbert is also the personal physician of Queen Elizabeth I, and said that she used magnets under his direction.
Michael Faraday, who is also known as the inventor of Biomagnetics made extensive magnetic healing during the 18th century. His work is still used as the framework for modern day magnetic treatments. Dr Mesmer (the father of hypnotism) and Dr Samuel Hahnemann (father of homeopathy) also contributed to the work. 20th century include Dr Kreft a German doctor who in 1905 studied the healing effects of magnets on rheumatic disease, sciatica and neuralgia. In 1926 Dr Criles study the impact of magnets on cancer cells and was followed 10 years later in 1938 with Albert Davis carrying out tests on the effects of the North and South poles of the magnet.
However 15 years have shown the development of a medical assessment to be productive on magnet therapy. More than 57 subjects in the USA about the disease difficult to cure and magnetic. Some of these are:
- 1990 - University of Hawaii tested magnetic fields on patients with osteoarthritis.
- 1992 - Trying example healing randomized double-blind trial of wound healing in venous leg wounds.
- 1999 - New York Medical College mencona magnetkepada diabetic patients
- 2001 - University of Virginia tested magnetic mattress covers on patients with Fibromyalgia.
- 2004 - University of Exeter and Plymouth tried magnetic bracelets on patients with osteoarthritis
Magnetic therapy achieved world popularity with many celebrities choose such as:
Cherie BlairBill Clinton Anthony Hopkins Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William Shirley MacLaine Venus Williams AgassiJack Michael Jordan Andre Niklaus and others. Magnetic therapy has now been incorporated into medical treatment in 54 countries worldwide. With the abundance of research each year, we can see some more years to come magnet will digunalan on conventional medicine painkillers.
Some type of magnets used in magnetic therapy:
- 2000 gauss magnetic strength - is used to treat almost all diseases.
- 1500 gauss strength magnet premiere - is used to treat neurological problems. Magnet is very effective in penetrating magnetic waves.
Low-power ceramic magnet with a strength of 300 gauss - magnet is used to epalikasi near brain regions. Is used to enhance the eyes, treat cataracts, glaucoma and other rentina problems. Also very helpful in improving children's height. Magnets are also used to treat headaches and migrants.
Spondilitik Lumbar Belt - used to treat lumbar spondylitis (inflammation of the pubic bone), hernia, prolapsed disc, rheumatic in the lower back, and so on. And in certain circumstances can reduce excess fat in the abdomen, when the area of the magnet is placed on the front.
Cervical collar or belt (belt cervical) - It is used in cases of inflammation of the neck vertebrae (spondylitis servical). Magnet will help children who are learning as they continue to sit and write for hours, and a sprained neck muscle which is pre taham spondylosis. Necklace - This is used to keep the chest to perfect health, especially the heart and lungs.
Magnet button - this is a Japanese magnets are so small in there plug soles or in the paste on the skin on acupressure points to provide the desired results without really puncture with a needle. It also seems to be very effective in a variety of other diseases and appear to be opening a new domain in the treatment of the magnetism.
Magnetic Water - is prepared to keep the water at every high-powered magnetic pole for 12 to 14 hours. After this the water from both poles mixed and used in a way to drink. Magnet is a diuretic and blood purifier that is very effective. A magnetized oil - any oil magnetized by keeping it above the magnet for 12 to 24 hours. Very effective for dandruff, hair loss and premature gray hair on the hair.
Magnet is a natural energy source that helps us in providing the necessary energy in an artificial environment. The use of magnetic therapy on a regular basis will boost your immune system and help us live a healthy life. We should understand that we are falling ill because of internal weakness, which makes external factors such as bacteria or viruses enter the body and creates destruction. When this happens, the drugs such as antibiotics or antivirals alone can not cure it.
For a complete treatment, we have to build our energy level to the optimum level so that external factors are negative can not enter or affect our bodies. We get sick because our energy level down to specific organs. When we give the magnet to the region, it will help in two ways:
- Magnet will attract iron salt (iron salt) that can increase local circulation, and can take care of the inflammation, swelling, stiffness, pain of, and so on.
- Bipolar magnets are placed in the area will create its own magnetic field, and give some positive energy for healing. This energy will be against the weak energy and keeps the body strong and healthy.
Even so, does not mean that these drugs are not needed at all, but in some cases when the disease reached the level of pathology and bacterial infection has been established, the magnetic energy is given along with oral medications. When the drugs to treat the infection, the magnet will restore vitality is low so as to make a complete cure for the disease.
There is another advantage of the magnet, which is magnetized water. It is used to purify the blood. Water also acts as deuratik and assist in urinary infection, renal or ureteral calculus, and kidney failure. Even in the accumulation of edema (swelling of the body) is very useful, because water can act as deuratik (increase spending urine). Magnet will also help lower blood pressure indirectly. For high blood pressure are bracelet (wristband) that are tied to the left wrist to lower blood pressure while on the right wrist is used to increase blood pressure low.
Benefits other magnets to overcome breathing problems and heart. Magnet will increase local blood circulation to the heart and lungs. Magnets are also useful to prevent thickening of the arteries of the heart, or the formation of mucus in the lungs. According to the study, the magnet can also merawan 40 to 50 percent blockage of a coronary.
The latest use magnet is in the form of small-sized magnetic studs. Small magnets can be very powerful. Magnets are placed on acupressure points on the affected organ, as well as on the soles. They proved to be more effective and robust compared with high-powered magnets. Healing through the magnet more than physical blood.
Magnetic therapy
Magnetic therapy is a method of utilization of the magnetic fields are safe and without side effects on the body for therapeutic purposes. Magnetic therapy helps speed up the healing process and improve quality of sleep without any harmful side effects to the body. Is this method used alone or as a complement to other methods that you use, magnetic therapy is very effective to relieve pain in the joints or muscles, swelling and stiffness, making magnetic therapy as the best choice for anyone.
For centuries, magnetic therapy has been used in many cultures, including the Chinese, Greeks and Egyptians who have used it to relieve pain and other symptoms. However, the size and weight constraints magnets available at that time to make magnetic therapy very difficult to use effectively and bulk. Now, the magnets are smaller and more powerful has contributed significantly in magnetic therapy products used by more than 120 million people worldwide.
Various clinical studies in the United States showed that magnetic therapy is an effective method to relieve pain and other aches. Japan and several other European countries have been doing intensive research over the last 30 years and they continue to examine her to find the medical benefits of magnetic therapy that promises to address medical conditions either mild, medium or chronic. The doctors in the United States using magnetic therapy in their practices reported many cases showing positive benefits for their patients.
How does magnetic therapy work?
All physical and mental functions are controlled by electromagnetic fields produced by the movement of ions electro-chemical in the body. When damage occurs, the ions that contain this positive energy to move into areas that have problems that cause pain and swelling. In order for the healing process occurs, the sore should be returned to the electro-magnetic energy negative nature. ELETRO chemicals-related pain and swelling should be eliminated, then the oxygen and nutrients supplied to it.
Magnet power is the energy that makes galaxies, stars, and planets rotating on a regular rotation so as not to collide with each other. Magnetism in our Panet aimed to protect all life in the face of bumi.Produk Edymium is healing effect and good treatment. E-strength magnet is 2,000 gauss Dymium a healing effect and treatment of various health problems.