Definition animation taken from the Oxford dictionary meaning of life as a film, made from photography, illustration, dolls, and so with the slight difference antarframes, to give the impression of movement when projected (The Little Oxford Dictionary 19). Animate is a verb of English means giving nyawa.Animasi not a new technology anymore and has been used in a variety of interesting films. However, its development in Indonesia was slow. Of the many three-dimensional animated films in circulation almost everything is made overseas, even the majority of people are not aware of any local paper. Yet until now there are two three-dimensional animated film domestically-made full length of "Homeland" and "Janus Last Warrior" Actually, Indonesia also has a reliable animators, ironically the work they actually exported to other countries as was done by Castle Animation in Jakarta. The problem is that investors in Indonesia itself has not seen animation as a profitable sector (Wicaksono 25) .Memperhatikan animated films circulating the big screen, almost all of them use one technique that is generally a 3-D animation as usual studio Pixar, stop motion is usually done by Aardman, or 2-D is usually done by Disney.
Looking at the fact that the writer here wants to try to explore a combined animation technique that is rarely used. Combining two different animation techniques was not possible at the production stage or stages of compositing penganimasian but it is possible as in the post-produksi.Cerita fairy tale titled "The Shepherd and the Chimney Sweep Girl" by Hans Christian Andersen is an interesting object to be used as a final project work in the form of films short animation with combined techniques. This story is a work of Andersen are less popular that it has never made the animation at all. The reason for choosing this story lies in the storyline that has the ability to display a variety of emotional atmosphere.
Making it possible to display or visualkannya various mood (atmosphere) in a film that even only one setting. Concretely are as follows • Atmosphere neutral at the beginning of the story starts with the introduction of the character. • Tensions start of the conflict that began to peak when the girl was forced to marry a shepherd antagonist story and the scene when the two main characters escape. • The atmosphere is dark and gloomy when the two main characters included in the desk drawer to hide. • Suasna romantic in the climax when they reach the top of the chimney followed by anticlimax that scene on the roof of the house • the atmosphere is cheerful in a happy endingDengan above advantages, this story is a story that is potentially interesting and challenging to display in audio-visual format. It needs a careful design to produce a film that has the aspect of continuity as in it has a scene with a different mood.
History of Animation
History of Animation
Animation is a technique widely sutu once used in the film world today, both as a unified whole, part of a movie, or one with a live movie. Actually rooted in the world of film photography, while animation is rooted in the image of the world, namely illustration graphic design (visual communication design). Through the history of each, both photographic and illustrative form a clan gets a new dimension in live clan animated films. It can be said that animation is a medium that is born of a convention or two disciplines, namely clan movie images. To understand the clan wears animation techniques, both these conventions must be understood.
The film, commonly used to record a situation, or express something. The film is used to fulfill a general requirement, which communicates an idea, message or reality. Because of the uniqueness of its dimensions, the clan because of the nature of the entertainment, the film has been accepted as one of the audio-visual media are the most popular and loved. Because it is also regarded as the most effective media.
To be able to use the medium of film there are two main problems that must be faced, namely technical issues clan movie premises engineering problems presented something commonly called a movie or presentation techniques. Likewise, the things that should be known in the animated film, namely the problem of animation techniques, and engineering problems communicating something with animation techniques. Often communication techniques more familiar words to say the art of communicating.
In fact is it is very closely related to the various fields of the arts, both visual and verbal or teateral. For a communications planner, this activity is very important to understand. A filmmaker will be encountering technical problems make the film and the art of making films. All things that are written in this discussion, not a limitation, but a way of seeing and a summary of the issues that must be developed.
Origins of Film Technique AnimasiKeinginan humans to create images or santiran (image) that lives and moves as pantara of disclosure (expression) they are, is a manifestation of the basic form of animation that life evolved. The word itself is an animated adaptation of the word animation, which is derived from the basic to animate, in a general English-Indonesian dictionary means turn (Wojowasito 1997). In general, animation is an activity switch, move inanimate objects; An inanimate object is given a boost of strength, spirit and emotions to be alive and moving, or simply memorable life.
In fact, since ancient times, man has tried meng¬animasi motion pictures of their animals, as found by archaeologists in the Lascaux caves of Northern Spain, has lived two hundred thousand years; They tried to capture fast motion running animals, such as wild boar, bison or a horse, described by eight feet in different positions and stacked (Hallas and Manvell 1973: 23). The ancient Egyptians turn their image with a sequence of images of the wrestlers who are struggling, as a wall decoration. Created around 2000 BC (Thomas 1958: 8)
Ancient Japanese painting exhibits a life storyline, with deploying scrolls, made in the Heian period (794-1192) (Cyclopedia Americana volume 19, 1976). Then came the toy called thaumatrope around the 19th century in Europe, in the form of a thick sheet of cardboard discs, illustrated bird in a cage, which is both the left rope tied to his right, when twisted by hand will give a picture of the bird moving santir (Laybourne 1978: 18) .
Until the 1880s, Jean Marey using a straight portrait continuous recording of motion flying bird, human activities and other animals. A tool that became the forerunner of the movie camera life growing up today. And in 1892, Emile Reynauld develop animated images ayng toy called praxinoscope, in the form of a series played hundreds of images and animations projected on a mirror into a motion movie, a device the forerunner to the projector at the cinema (Laybourne 1978: 23).
Both novice filmmaker cinema, comes from the French, dianggapsebagai initial opening of the development of the animated film technique (Encyclopedia AmericanavoLV1,1976: 740) Ten years later, after the movie of life ahead with his fast at the end of the 19th century In 1908, Emile Cohl beginners of the French animated film simplest form matchstick figures. The series of pictures blabar black (black line) is created on top of a white sheet, was photographed with a film negative so that the figure looks to be white and the background black.
While in the United States Winsor McCay (see picture beside) animated film "Gertie the Dinosaur" in 1909. The figure is drawn blabar black on a white background. Following in the years following the American animators began to develop the technique of animated film around 1913 to the early 1920s; Max Fleischer develop "Ko Ko The Clown" and Pat Sullivan made "Felix The Cat". The series of drawings made as simple as possible, in which the figure is drawn blabar black or black shadow background blabar united with a black base or made otherwise. McCay made a movie with the calculation formula of the time, 16 times per second in motion pictures.
Fleischer and Sullivan have taken advantage of the sell animation techniques, namely transparent sheets of celluloid material (celluloid) called "cell". Other Beginners in Germany, Lotte Reineger, in 1919 developed the animated film shadows, and Bertosch of France, in the 1930 animated film experiment with figure pieces derived from pieces of wood. The following image is a character "Gertie The Dinosaurs", and "Felix the Cat"
George Pal start using dolls as a figure in his short animated film, in 1934 in the Netherlands. And Alexsander Ptushko of Russian dolls length animated film "The New Gulliver" in 1935. In 1935 Len Lye from Canada, began drawing directly on the film after entering renewal in color film through the film "Color of Box". The development of the most important animation film technique, namely around 1930. Where emerged pioneered animated film voiced by Walt Disney from the United States, through the movie "Mickey Mouse", "Donald Duck" and "Silly Symphony" which was made during 1928 to 1940.
In the 1931 Disney animated film in the first color film "Flower and Trees". And the length of the first animated film made Disney cartoons in 1938, the movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Thus the origin of the development of the animated film technique that continues to grow with the style and characteristics of each maker in various countries in Europe, America and Asia negara¬negara creep up. Especially in Japan, a cartoon developed rapidly there, up in the decade of this master cartoon animation film market here with the characteristics and unique style.
Attitude Principle AnimasiFilm animated film comes from two disciplines, the film is rooted in the world of photography and animation is rooted in the world picture. The word is derived from the English language films that have been in Indonesianising, meaning we can see the general Indonesian dictionary:
"1 thin stuff like membrane made of celluloid four negative portrait image (which will be made portraits or played in cinema); 2 plays (story) live images; "(Poerwadarminfa 1984) Basically a thorough understanding of the film is difficult to explain. Can only be interpreted if viewed out of context; for example, be used for portrait negatives or printing plates, films implies a celluloid sheet chemically processed before it can be seen the results; or related to the story or play, the film implies a series of images of living or moving images into a storyline to watch people, forms the basis of films that contain elements of light, sound and time.
While understanding the special animation we can see in an encyclopedia "Americana": "Animated, motion picture consisting of a series of hand-drawn sketches invidual, in the which the positions or gestures of the figures are varied slightly from one sketch to another. Generally, the series is the movie and, when projected on a screen, suggest that figures are moving "(Encyclopedia Americana vol. V1,1976).
Techniques animated film, just as well as live-action films, made possible the calculation of the film that runs sequentially keceaptan between 18 and 24 images per second. Images are projected onto the screen is not actually moving, that look is apparent movement, occurred on our senses as a result of small changes from one image to another, adanaya a phenomenon that occurs when we saw, called Persistence of Vision, so as to produce an illusion of motion from our view.
Unlike the live-action films, pictures taken from the photo shoot moving objects, then analyzed one by one into a still image on each frame of celluloid. While animated films, motion pictures are created by analyzing the picture by picture or frame-by-frame by animators, and recorded images or move forward for the sake of image motion using stop-frame camera, a camera that uses a machine tool drive frame by frame, the actuator celluloid frame by frame, with the computation time required for each one second aperture 24 frame camera to record images, the motion to celluloid.
Some Types of Animation Techniques
Based on the material or base material used animated object, generally the type of animated film techniques classified two major parts, the bi-dimensional animated film (flat animation) and the animated film tri¬matra (object animation).
Use of Animation Film
The use of animation films as a form of visual impaired pantara (audio-visual medium), quite an important role in spreading the message or idea to be conveyed to the public. The animated film is used in:
- 1. TV commercial; The animated film is used for commercial purposes, such as movies Wan on television, as an insert in between events television program, in the form of short messages to viewers and as movie entertainment.
- 2. Cinema; The animated movie as a movie can be a long story, short films, and the film inserts for Man at the cinema.
- 3. Government Services; The animated film is used as a propaganda film, movie information and education.
- 4. Company; animated film is used as the film public relations (PR) such as: lighting films, educational films and propaganda films or film Man product introductions.
Types AnimasiAnimasi who had had a simple principle, now has developed into several types, namely:
- 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Animation ground Hat (Clay Animation), Japanese Animation (Anime).
- Animation Creator Software
- In the market today has many outstanding softwarwe animation maker, be it 2D or 3D. For more details see the list below which is based on the criteria.
- 2D Animation Software:
- Macromedia Flash, CoRETAS, Corel RAVE, After Effects, Moho, CreaToon, ToonBoom, Autodesk animaton (1990s) etc.