Thursday, April 18, 2013

History Inventors High Pressure Chemical Method

High Pressure Chemical Methods inventor (1874 - 1940) - Carl Bosch was a German chemist, industry entrepreneurs, engineers, chairman of the German Academy of Sciences. Company Bosch produces ammonia and methanol-made artificial. Together with Friedrich Bergius he received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for discovering high-pressure method kimia.Ia born in Cologne on August 27, 1874 and died in Heidelberg (now including the West German region) at the age of 66 years. At age 20 he studied at Charlottenburg for metallurgists and engineers so. Metallurgy is the science and technology that studies logom, metal structure, properties of metals, metal manufacturing processes and so on.

Biography Carl Bosch | Inventors High Pressure Chemical Method

Biography Carl Bosch | Inventors High Pressure Chemical Method
In High school he was disappointed because the subjects which he received only by the sheer experience of the lecturers, not science in the sense now. Then two years later he moved to the University of Leipzig. Here metarlurgi but he did not learn chemistry. In 1889, at the age of 25 years working in Bandische Bosch Aniline-und Soda-Fabrik (BASF) in the city of Ludwigshafen. Manufacturer's name was later changed so l.G. Farbenindustrie AG.

In the company there are three properties that are very menojol Bosch. He studied had continued despite the title engineer. He pushed forward coworkers. He makes long-term plans. He is good at organizing group work. Position in the fast-emerging companies. Within 11 years he managed to occupy the top job at the company. He was chosen to be the president of the company at the age of 35 years (1935).

Approximately in 1900 the world shortage of fertilizer nitrogen. It is made of nitrate fertilizer imported from Chile, South America. But the Chilean nitrate can not meet the world's needs for fertilizer. Though plants need nitrogen or nitrogen. How to make a fertilizer that contains nitrogen?

In 1909 Haber, German chemist, successfully developed the manufacturing process of synthetic ammonia. Ammonia is made from nitrogen and hydrogen. Ratio of 1:3. Chemical formula NH3. But Haber synthetic ammonia can only be made in the laboratory. Then he handed the manufacture of artificial ammonia to Bosch. Bosch produces ammonia then made on a large scale. It happened in 1911. Four years later (1915) the company Bosch oxidize ammonia and nitric acid production. Nitric acid is widely used in the chemical industry to make medicines, dyes, and explosives. In 1923 the company Bosch produces massive artificial methanol. Methanol is the simplest alcohol liquid. Methanol is also called carbinol, wood alcohol, glass alcohol, or methyl alcohol. Synthetic methanol is made by reacting the mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases with high pressure.

The mixture is called synthesis gas. Synthesis gas can be made from a variety of waste, waste, waste products, any fuel containing carbon, such as brick, natural gas, and oil, and wood. Methanol is used for fuel, for the motor, as the organic solvent in the manufacture of lacquers and varnishes, in manufacture of formaldehyde for dyes, and as a mendenaturasikan ethanol. For his work with the Bosch Bergius in 1931 received the Nobel Prize. Six years later (1937) Bosch chosen as chairman of the Institute for German Studies, replacing Max Planck.

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