Saturday, January 21, 2012

Historical Newspapers

Some of the observations contained in a medium or pronounced. Usually we think of news as a particular kind of historical reality, which may be described analytically. It is a mystification of the subject. If journalists are experts in something, your audience, and not other aspects of reality. Judging from "pheomenologically," is the news that did in today's paper or on the news. There are now 188 countries, today $ 5 million, and thousands of things that "happen". Only those who actually do the work in the news. Tomorrow will have its own story, so that the event will never be denied the news. Of course it could be part of the reconstruction of the history of our time then. One would think that in this case that the reporters just blew it - if you really believe that the news is of the same nature as the story. But the news was not about the story, actually, but the benefits, when the editors think clearly, and newspaper publishers think clearly from the beginning.

The definition should come from general use, and this is what we mean by "news" when confused with the notion of such important news or news reported. There is no such thing as the press reported, because the news was not natural.

Those who hope that the news will keep you informed about the world's great powers should consider the possibility that the power can be defined as the ability to be saved from the news. In addition, the elite can be defined as a group that is able to monopolize certain types of information, and keep it out of circulation. Even to this day all the important news transmitted orally, the elite. If a big story is what gives a person an advantage over others, then it follows that valuable news is something you have to pay a lot for, one way or the other. What remains is converted into media content.

It is true that for centuries the media attention has helped residents to monitor and challenge the elite. Over time, this attention has eroded the power of the elite few, but only if the press itself became big business elites with their own secrets. What is the balance shown in the new distribution of power, and if the public has a right to be included in the power structure because consciousness news, should get more attention than it has.

The origins of the Press

Historical newspapers often dramatic chapter of human experience going back some five centuries. In Renaissance Europe handwritten newspaper circulated privately among merchants, for information about everything from wars and economic conditions to social customs and characteristics of the "human interest". Pioneers first printed newspaper appeared in Germany in the 1400's in the form of news pamphlets or broadsides, often highly sensational in content. Some of the most famous of these reports atrocities against Germans in Transylvania by sadistic veovod Drakul Tsepes called Vlad, who became Count Dracula of later folklore.

In the English-speaking world, the early ancestors of the newspaper is corantos, news pamphlets produced only small when important events occur. The first title published in The Weekly Newes from 1622. This was followed in 1640 and 1650 by a number of different titles in the same format Newsbook. First true newspaper in English is London Gazette of 1666. For the generation which was only officially sanctioned newspaper, though many periodical titles in the media is at the end of this century.
Started in the United States

In the U.S., newspapers (newspaper) first appeared in Boston in 1690, entitled Publick Occurrences. Published without authority, which was immediately suppressed, publisher arrested, and all copies destroyed. In fact, it was forgotten until 1845, when the only surviving example known to be found in the British Library. The newspaper was the first successful Boston News-Letter, begun by postmaster John Campbell in 1704. Despite receiving large subsidies from the colonial government the experiment was a failure in the short term, with very limited circulation. Two other studies were introduced in 1720, in Philadelphia and New York, and the fourth power gradually established in the new continent. On the eve of the War of Independence, about two dozen papers published in all the colonies, although Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania will remain the center of American printing for many years. Colonial newspaper article, brilliantly conceived by revolutionary propagandists, is the main force affecting public opinion in the United States of reconciliation with England to full political independence.

At the end of the war in 1783, there are forty-three newspapers in print. The press plays an important role in the affairs of the new nation, many more newspapers started, representing all shades of political opinion. He did not force the principles of journalism largely preventable libelous by modern standards, reflecting the rough and tumble of political life of the republic as rival factions push for power. Ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791 to ensure the freedom of the press and U.S. newspapers began to take on a central role in national affairs. Growth continued in all countries. In 1814 there are 346 newspapers. In the populist Jackson, 1830, advances in technology led to an explosion of printing and paper daily growth, the emergence of "Penny Press", but it is now possible to produce a newspaper that can be sold for only a penny per copy. Previously, the newspaper is the province of the wealthy few, reading and writing. Subscription price for one year, usually about a week of labor wages, must be paid in full and "always in advance." This sudden availability of cheap materials, interesting reading is an important stimulus to achieve nearly universal literacy for granted in America.
Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution such as changing every aspect of American life and society, dramatically affected newspapers. Both the number of documents and their paid circulation continues to increase. 1850 Census recorded 2526 title. In 1850, a powerful giant presses appeared, able to print ten thousand complete papers per hour. At this time the first "pictorial" weekly newspapers emerged, but the illustration of the first major events in the news, as the wood carvings of the correspondents or sketch drawn from a new invention of photography. During the Civil War unprecedented demand for timely, accurate news in the dynamic changed American journalism, hardhitting in national life. Reporters called "special", became a public favorite and idols of young people around the world. Many accounts submitted by the brave adventurers battle stands today as the definitive history of its people.

The news does not stop growth in the years following the war. A staggering 11,314 different items listed in the 1880 census. In 1890 circulation figures of one million copies per issue first recorded (ironically, these newspapers are now very rare due to the horrible quality cheap paper used, and the huge losses in World War World II era paper unit) In this period appeared the features of letters modern news, headline the "banner", extensive use of illustrations, "funny pages" as well as expanded coverage of organized sporting events. The emergence of "yellow journalism" also marks this period. Hearst could actually boast that the newspaper produced a public clamor for war against Spain in 1898. It is also an age of media consolidation, independent newspapers were swallowed up many a strong "chain" with unfortunate consequences for the press once fearless and incorruptible, many are reduced to a vehicle for the distribution of opinion detached from its owner, and so still, without competing papers to challenge their views. In the 1910s, all the essential features of modern recognizable newspapers have emerged. In our time, radio and television is gradually replacing newspapers as the nation's primary source of information, so it can be difficult at first to appreciate the role that newspapers have played in our history.

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