Friday, May 24, 2013

History of Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs were the dominant vertebrates in terrestrial ecosystems for over 160 million years, from the Triassic period until the end of the old lime many types of dinosaurs were already extinct ten thousand bird species living today have been classified as dinosaurs. In addition to the existence of fossilized feather impressions, Archaeopteryx was very similar to a small predatory dinosaurs. Compsognathus, since the research has identified theropod dinosaurs as the most likely direct ancestors of birds; most paleontologists today regard birds as the only surviving dinosaurs, and some suggest that dinosaurs and birds should be grouped in a biology class. Other close relatives of crocodiles dinosaurs survived until now .. Such as dinosaurs and birds, crocodiles are also members of Archosauria. group of reptiles that first appeared during the period of very old and dominate the middle of the Triassic period.

During the first half of the 20th century, many scientists believe dinosaurs community as a cold-blooded animals are dumb and slow. However, many studies conducted since the 1970s (called the dinosaur renaissance) have supported the view that dinosaurs were active animals with high metabolic and diverse adaptations for social interaction. The resulting changes in the scientific understanding of dinosaurs gradually filtered into popular consciousness.

Since the first dinosaur fossils were recognized in the early nineteenth century, which is woven into the framework of dinosaurs poluler performances in museums around the world. Dinosaurs became popular world culture and continue. They became a topic in the best-selling books and films (most known Jurassic Park), and new discoveries are regularly expressed in the media. Dinosaurs first appeared around 225 million years ago in the Triassic Period. The animal was kept alive until the Jurassic Period and grown into a giant in the Cretaceous period. About 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, dinosaurs disappeared from the face of the earth.

Dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden

Dino in Water. Eden Communications copyrighted. At the beginning of Creation, dinosaurs are not vicious or dangerous. When God finished making the animals, God says "it was good". If so what form? How different are the dinosaur skeletons were found killed by the Flood with the first dinosaurs were created by God? Unfortunately, no one knows what they look like humans or dinosaurs (or other animals) when God created time immemorial. Originally, dinosaurs must have been harmless - designed to please humans and beneficial to the world, like all other animals. When first created, all dinosaurs ate only plants and fruits.

Dinosaurs in the earth after the flood

leaf After the flood, dinosaurs and all other animals are made to be afraid of humans (Genesis 9:2). Animals stay away from people. They are no longer trusting and obedient. God probably did this to protect human and beast of the earth after the flood. Humans and dinosaurs live in separate areas - such as humans and wild animals at this time. Fossil bones, teeth and stomach contents of many dinosaurs were killed during the Flood have been found. So far, it shows that when the plant-eating dinosaurs and harmless - a few hundred years after mankind fell into sin. They may not be much different from an elephant or a giraffe.

Asteroid Killer Dinosaurs

Until now, astronomers have known more than 40 families of asteroids, fragments of a larger body, and calculate when the blast occurred. However, they have not managed to find an asteroid which is responsible for the great extinction.

Dinosaurs, large and small, once ruled the earth at least 120 million years to the Cretaceous period. Then they disappear within a few thousand years, according to fossil evidence, when the Tertiary period began about 65 million years ago. Disappearance of the dinosaurs was a mystery until 30 years ago, when Walter Alvarez, a geologist at the University of California-Berkeley, and his father, Luis, find the cause. They claimed an unidentified object from space hit the Earth and cause huge crater in the earth's crust in the coast of Yucatan, Mexico, and spread the pieces in the form of a rare element called iridium.

This theory is very controversial. But as time went on, began to gain support. Discovery of the so-called Chicxulub crater near the Yucatan Peninsula, plus the iridium and glassy shards thousands of kilometers around the crater, reinforce the idea.

Evidence supporting this theory increases with David Nesvorny and his discovery of the Southwest Research Institute in Bouklder, Colorado, United States. At the beginning of this year, they have identified a new group which they named Baptistina family, according to the name of the group was the largest asteroid, which has up to 40 kilometers. Dinosaur killer asteroid there is a possibility of missing members of this family, which is formed by the impact on the inside of the asteroid belt 160 million years ago.

Nesvorny team had calculated that the asteroid 10 kilometers it has collided with the earth. The asteroid is one of 300 that the original host rock fragments reach 170 kilometers. Other denominations likely hit Venus and is responsible for the formation of Tycho, the youngest craters on the moon. Baptistina composition is also compatible with the shards found in the earth. The scientists also calculated the possibility of another asteroid that hit the Earth is less than 10 percent. A recent study says mass collision in space 160 million years ago caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Asteroid impact caused debris flying through the solar system including a large blob that hit the Earth and then sweeping the dinosaurs. The team of researchers from the United States and the Republic believe other fragments hit the Moon, Venus and Mars, and the impact of the punch then creates holes.

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