Thursday, May 9, 2013

History of Trains

History of railway history as a means of transportation that generally begins with the invention of the wheel. Initially known for horse-drawn carriage that consists of only one train (circuit), then made a horse-drawn carriage which drew more than one series and running in a particular pathway made of iron (rail) and is called the gauge. It is used especially in mining areas where lorries are coupled and drawn by horse power.

After James Watt invented the steam engine, Nicolas Cugnot made three-wheelers fueled steam. People call it the iron horse vehicle. Then Richard Trevithick made locomotive engine coupled with the train and use it on a show in front of the general public. George Stephenson, who won the race perfect racing locomotive and locomotive used on Liverpool-Manchester line. At that time steam locomotive that used constructed grasshopper. Completion for the improvements done to get a more effective steam locomotives, large power, and is able to train a lot more interesting.

The discovery of electricity by Michael Faraday made some discoveries that followed the discovery of electrical appliances electric motors. The electric motor is then used to make electric tram which is the forerunner of an electric train. Then Rudolf Diesel diesel trains bring more powerful and more efficient than the steam locomotive. Along with the development of electrical and magnetic technology is more advanced, they invented magnetic trains that have speeds above the speed of regular trains. Japan in the 1960s operate KA Super Ekspress Shinkanzen Tokyo-Osaka route that eventually developed further so as to reach almost all of Japan. French then operate trains similar to the TGV name.

Types of trains
  • In terms of propulsion (propulsion)
  • steam train
  • diesel train
  • consists of
  • diesel electric trains
  • hydraulic diesel trains
  • electric train
  • sugeng rail
Conventional rail trains

Conventional rail trains are a common rail. Using rail consisting of two steel rods were placed in the pads. In certain areas which possess level altitude steep, jagged used rails placed in the middle of the tracks and using special locomotive that has gears, and only in the island of Sumatra and Java

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