Tuesday, May 7, 2013

History of Dinosaurs

Dinosaur Discovery History

Their bones are very large when it was discovered in 1677 by Dr. Robert Plot. The bones are thought to be a giant elephant bones. The first name given to this beast is Humanum scrotum. This happened two centuries before the name "dinosaur" is raised. In 1822, Mary Anne Mantell a walk on a highway in Sussex. By tradition, he found a bone overwritten sparkling sunshine, and took the bones home to show to her husband Dr. Gideon Mantell, English physician and amateur fossil hunters. Dr. Mantell announces that the bones have a greater teeth of modern reptiles. I A concluded that this bone is bone-eating reptiles that became extinct with teeth like an iguana. In 1825, Dr. Mantell named the fossil Iguanodon (iguana tooth). Dr.. Mantelllah who popularized era reptiles. 1841 anatomical and paleontological English, Sir Richard Owen, who incidentally is the strongest opponent of Charles Darwin, found the word "dinosaur". Technically, referring to dinosaurs that resemble gigantic reptilian creatures that live on land rather than in water. This word means "terrible lizard". Tyrannosaurus rex jawbone, with teeth a length of 6 feet 6 inches in length, must match the name of "terrible lizards".

Dinosaurs - Created or Evolved?

Since the invention of Dr. Mantell, dinosaur fossils have been found in several continents of the world, from far north as Alaska and as far south as Antarctica. Dinosaurs that exist in various sizes, shapes, and types. Dinosaur fossils is an interesting case study to prove the theory of evolution or creation. There are different types of dinosaurs. Some are small like the chicken and the others there that are so large that it weighs about 8 tons.

Many of these dinosaurs have different bone structure than usual. Therefore, if dinosaurs evolved about 230 million years ago, the beginning of a kind of reptile (according to the beliefs of evolutionists), then there must be thousands of intermediate beings. During this period, millions of dinosaurs lived and died. If the theory of evolution is true, museums can display thousands of transitional forms-dinosaur reptiles undeniable. If creation is true, every kind of dinosaur appears in the form of ready-made from the very beginning created, there is no intermediate fossil species suggests that these dinosaurs evolved from a single ancestor. Dinosaur fossils show very clearly that any one type of dinosaur that was found was in the form of intact, there is no evidence that these animals evolved from earlier creatures.

Brontosaurus, reconstruction errors

If we visit the world-class season, we will find a lot of evidence about dinosaurs. The bones and skulls have been dug from the earth and all of them showed a very large creatures that have ever lived on earth. But when the bones are arranged, scientists do not always make an accurate reconstruction. Everyone has heard or seen pictures Brontosaurus with a long neck, but not many people know that it is a mistake Brontosaurus. Scientists have found fossils that they had put the wrong head on the wrong body fossils anyway. Two researchers from the Carnegie Institution has been proved that the Brontosaurus bones in 5 major museums, including the Carnegie museum itself, has put the wrong head. The two men, in 1979, the print media have been informed that the description given by Dr. O.C. Marsh, a famous paleontologist from Yale, according to the head of one bone.

In the article "Scientist Claim Brontosaurus Given Wrong Head" (Pittsburgh: Associated Press, October 10, 1979), Berman explained that Marsh actually found the skull using 3 or 4 miles away from his bones. But no one knows. Marsh did not explain in his article. There is no evidence that the skull has something to do with the Brontosaurus. You can check this in Marsh's Dinosaurs written by John H. Ostrom and John S. McIntosh (New Have, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1966), page 244. Then after being given a new head on Brontosaurus then the creature more like Diplodocus. Head which actually belongs to one of the dinosaurs that have been discovered before the Apatosaurus. The conclusion is Brontosaurus never existed. For that reason it is not called a Brontosaurus in The New Dinosaur Dictionary bouquet of Donald. F. Glut (Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey, 1982).

Reconstruction Dinosaurs

It's important to note that when multiplying a number of scientists bones, they found the bones with flesh. Although they found all the bones in full (and usually more often found only some parts of the course), they only have 40 percent of the data to explain how such a creature is. The bones were not told how the animal's color or what he ate. Little evidence of the fossil dinosaur food. But Komsognatus, Barioniks, and hadrosaurs is an exception because his stomach was found in the fossil record that is still intact. Evidence that preys Deinonikhus Tenontosaurus also found. The food is mostly dinosaurs just can unexpectedly be based on data obtained by researchers from dinosaur teeth that have become fossilized.

Sharp teeth that possessed only explain how he tore his food but not food what is torn off. When reconstructing large dinosaur bones from the remains, scientists make assumptions. Like, some of what dinosaurs pernyataaan doing or where they live is full of mere allegations. In the film The Lost World Dinosaurs talk about behavior. The cloned wild creatures can smell cigarette smoke from a distance of several miles, have high intelligence, maintain and nurture her baby, can revenge, etc.. None of these things can be known from fossilized dinosaur bones.

As an example let us examine the fossil Unenlagia comahuensis found by paleontologist Fernando Novas published in Kompas, Monday, May 26, 1997. Of existing bone so he tried to construct a dinosaur creature who later evolved into birds. In the above picture explains how bone reconstruction so that it becomes a form of dinosaurs. White color depict bones were found while the picture shows a black image reconstruction. You can discover how very little bone was reconstructed into a complete dinosaur. How he could describe dinosaur head complete with sharp teeth, while not found the skull and its teeth.

How long he guesses his neck while her neck bone was not found. How long he guesses his tail while the tail bone was not found. Maybe he short-tailed, while the long-tailed creature was reconstructed. How he reconstructs forearm complete with his fingers while he finds the upper arm bone. Clear here that scientists use imagination (which may be wrong) to reconstruct the bones he found. The only form of dinosaurs still need us to question, especially if it is suspected that dinosaurs evolved into birds.

Archaeopteryx was a true bird ancestor?

Archaeopteryx / Arkheopteriks are birds. He has the legs that can be gripped, like bird wings, feathers like a modern bird feathers, like a bird cranium, and a furcula (bird collarbone). In addition, he flew! Furthermore, although the first Archaeopteryx fossil was found in 1861, other fossils found since then none of which showed transitional forms between reptiles and Archaeopteryx or between Archaeopteryx and the birds. If reptiles evolved into birds will find thousands of transitional creatures that lived and died, which left its mark in the form of fossils. Although the evidence is damning and there are conflicting but many evolutionists maintain that the Archaeopteryx is a transitional form between reptiles and birds. They point to evidence that these birds have claws on both wings, teeth, and some characteristic that seems like reptiles. Some people claim that this characteristic indicates that Archaeopteryx evolved from reptiles. However, some ancient birds had teeth.

By the same token also turned many an ancient bird that has no teeth. The point is that no fossils were found to express the loss of teeth terus-menerus/perlahan-lahan lost on the birds. They have no teeth and some do not! This is not surprising because it also occurs in some other vertebrates. Some fish have teeth, some amphibians have teeth, and some reptiles have teeth. But there are fish, and amphibians, and reptiles that have no teeth! Most mammals have teeth, but some do not. Presence or absence of teeth does not confirm or deny the theory of evolution or creation.

Are the claws on the wing proved transition reptiles and birds? No, because there are at least 3 birds living today who also has claws on its wings. Hoatzin, a bird that lives in South America, has claws on its wings when I was young. It also happens to touraco, birds that live in Africa. Ostrich has three claws on its wings, but no one dared to suggest that these three birds are reptiles and birds animal intermediaries because they live in the moment. Several years ago, paleontological (fossil expert) found fossils of modern birds and concluded, from the evidence, that modern birds that live at the same time as Archaeopteryx. Archaeopteryx could not be the ancestor of modern birds and Archaeopteryx if the bird life at the same time.

Recently, paleontologists have found fossils of a bird in Texas who allegedly lived 75 million years before Archaeopteryx. If we follow the evolutionist mindset that this bird should have been more like reptiles than Archaeopteryx. But these creatures are more birdlike than Archaeopteryx! Scientists who believe in creation theory concluded that Archaeopteryx is not an animal intermediary reptiles and birds, but it is a bird, specially created by God and preserved for us in the form of the fossil record.

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