Wednesday, May 15, 2013

History of Glasses in the world

Just imagine if you or a friend who has a visual impairment (minus / plus) does not use glasses. Well, yeah it would be difficult to see objects that are far away / close. Glasses is one of the most important discoveries in the history of human life. Like what the heck, the origin  glasses? Let's find out ...

Islamic civilization has come to know and find the lens over three hundred years earlier than the European society. The lens is also known in some civilizations such as the Roman, Greek, Hellenistic and Islamic. At that time, the lenses are not used for magnification, but for burning. You do this by focusing sunlight on a focal lens / lens focal.

Glasses were first discovered around 3000 years ago by the people in the old city of Nineveh, which at that time was as a magnifying glass function. The materials used are also not a stone but a crystal glass lens. Development of new glasses then bolted the XII century in China and Europe. At that time, the ancient Greeks use glass ball filled with water as a magnifying glass.

Then in 1268 Roger Bacon, a British scientist, find reading glasses. And in the 1300s eyewear began to be produced with the manufacture center in Venice. But it's not like the glasses while now. Simple lens quality, and its use is also troublesome.

Various kinds of experiments were conducted to find the best and safest way to wear glasses. There were installing metal plates mounted long from nose to goto the middle and then head down to the neck. There is a small chain installed on both sides of the goggles and strapped on the back of the head, such as goggles, there's another tie on hat sunglasses.

There are affixed to the bridge of the nose so that the wearer should continue to hold him. Until finally in 1727, the idea to put the stalk so that the glasses can be attributed to the ear. Subsequent developments, in 1784 Benjamin Franklin managed to find glasses bifokus, which has a convex lens and a concave lens in a single frame. Until 1884 was also produced bifokus lenses are made from the pieces, though it was sticky. It was only in 1908 and 1910 known convex and concave lenses are completely fused in one lens.

Glasses 18th century

Lens material was also developed, which first of quartz, glass lens made subsequently. In 1970 found a plastic lens material as other materials for the manufacture of spectacle lenses. Eventually more and more people using glasses and growing glasses frame with different types of models.

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