Friday, May 3, 2013

History of Abacus

If the abacus to remember, so instead I ngingatin age to 5th grade elementary school, hehe .. The time Abacus into local content is still very new and foreign to my ears. But once learned then I understand that Abacus is a calculating device of a wooden frame with a series of shaft contains beads that can slide-slide, which enable people to perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root.

History of Abacus

Count tool was first discovered in the ancient Babylonian history in the form of a board on which it is sprinkled with sand so that people can write or calculate. That's why the tool called abacus is derived from the Greek Abacos, which means removing dust. The Chinese developed this abacus abacus or into 2 parts. On the included 2 bars of beads and 5 beads on the lower spokes. Model / shape that makes abacus / abacus became very popular.

In the 16th century, the abacus was brought into Japan by the merchants and monks-Buddhist monk from China. And the Japanese finally had the idea to reduce the amount of beads to be one on the top and four bars on the bottom grate. This method is very practical to make Japanese children very like arithmetic. This is what makes Japan so quickly rise from the rubble defeat in World War II. With young people who like the fields of exact sciences, the inclusion of Americans who brought Western technology makes the Japanese so easily able to replicate, modify and even now been surpassed.

This phenomenon did not escape the attention of neighbors. After the devastating Korean War in the 50's decade, the nation of Korea (South Korea) intensively educate young genarasi with Japanese models arithmetic so that in the decade of 60's they've been able to align themselves with other developed countries. Taiwan states that are already familiar with Chinese abacus models, do not miss the change to the method of Japanese learning system. And now Taiwan also enjoyed prosperity thanks to industry-based hi-tech.

Counting Method

Counting method as well as learning basic math, ie, by learning to add (+) subtract (-) multiplying (x) and divide (:) using ABACUS tool. In the early stages, children are taught to advanced and abacus master craftsmanship that moved into the realm of imagination until finally the children do not need an abacus again.

Ideal Age Learning

Ideal age of a child's learning begins at the time the child enters school at age TK-A,-B kindergarten, elementary school (SD) and the highest Junior High School (SMP). This starting point on the theory that children's cognitive development which begins at age 0 to 15 years old have a rapid growth rate.

Benefits of Learning Arithmetic
  • Through a child's learning mental arithmetic will gain many benefits including:
  • Improve numeracy skills faster than average children
  • Mencongak capabilities more quickly and precisely
  • Balancing left and right brain usage and optimize it to achieve a level of analytical thinking and logic thinking right
  • Untrained fikir power and concentration, helping children to master the other subjects.
  • Foster children's creativity develops the imagination so.
  • Familiarize yourself with the numbers, making the child is no longer allergic to exact sciences.

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