Friday, May 3, 2013

History Of Blangkon in Indonesia

History Origins Blangkon
Blangkon is one of batik headgear, with a unique design which is worn by men as part of a traditional Javanese dress. But from some sources that I telisik, none of whom know where the origins of Java man wearing a headband called Blangkon this.

But there are other theories that come from the elders who said that in ancient times, it is not permanent like a headband turban tied around the head constantly. But with the economic crisis caused by the war, the fabric into one item that is hard to come by. Therefore, palace officials asked the artist to create a headband that uses half the usual for the efficiency it creates a permanent form of headgear with a more efficient fabric called blangkon.

blangkon principally made of cloth iket udeng rectangular or square. size approx 105 cm wide x 105 cm. actually used only half the fabric. Blangkon size taken from the distance between the latitude of the right ear and left through the forehead and through the top. generally the smallest numbered 48 and 59 at most.

blangkon consists of several types, namely: Using mondholan, the bulge on the back blangkon shaped like dumplings. This is referred to as blangkon blangkon yogyakarta style. This bulge haircut signifies the time that men often tie their long hair at the back of the head, so that the protruding part on the back blangkon. Coil should be tight so that the hair was not easily separated.

Hopefully the information on this Blangkon History Origins to increase knowledge Buddies all. Let us love and both maintain what has been a tradition of our nation, as a form of preserving the treasures of the archipelago's diverse and no measurable amount.

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