Friday, May 3, 2013

History of Skateboard Games

Skateboarding was first discovered in the mid-1950s, along with the development of surfing in the area of ​​California, United States. First appeared, skateboarding is still created by human hands and made of wood combine with tire skates and disambungakan by trucks of skates also very thick and heavy. At that time people also do not know the name of the 'skateboard', but rather 'sidewalk surfing'.

History of Skateboard Games

Time period begins when Marty McFly used it in a movie titled "Back To The Future", Marty here using a skateboard media as a means of transportation. Mid-1960, a skateboarding game fairly mainstream in America. Two brands, namely, Hobie and Makaha saw the hole, and began producing skateboards, so the audience of this game does not need to bother to make a skateboard. They can buy directly and instantly play it.

Skateborad popularity began to rise when a local magazine that discusses the game began to rise, the Skateboarder Magazine. into a medium that is very helpful for skateboarders to be fully aware of this. Makaha as one brand at a time that really rake in incredible profits, as many as 4 million U.S. dollars in the long ime two years (1963-1965).

Second Generation

Beginning in 1970, Frank Nasworthy began his career in the world of skateboarding skateboard circuitry design with polyurethane material that is more famous with the name "Cadillac". Seeing the glory of skateboard, the more the companies vying with each other to make this land as their business fields. One is a stand Tracker Trucks in 1976. Skateboards are produced is much better than earlier in the skateboard market, Banana Board to board quite a trend at that time, its compact shape and elastic makes this board a demand in the market. Not to mention the game of colors and designs that are very attractive on the board. The glory did not last long, a very large cost to make the skate park to be a problem in that era, and finally in the early 1980s began skateboarding is not heard from again.

Third Generation

After disappearing for a long time, skateboarding started to rise again in the mid-1980s. In this era many skateboarders who started creative and have sufficient funds so that they are able to make a vert ramp that land for skateboarding. If at first the skateboarder glides by just playing alone, then it is time the players were grateful to Alan Gelfand. Alan is the person who first discovered the technique ollie, and therefore his name more widely known as Alan "Ollie" Gelfand.

After Alan Gelfand, Rodney Mullen now turn that gives a new twist to the world of skateboarding. Mullen created a new style that is pretty extreme freestyle skating which is the first step of the modern skateboard. Flatground styles like ollie, the ollie kickflip, the heelflip and 360 flip is a creation of boredom in a style that's all. Afterwards, other styles are created like with short noses, slide rails, and large soft wheels.

Tired of the skatepark, then the skateboarders began looking for something more challenging, until public facilities such as shopping centers, sidewalks and city parks into fields for them. Style of play they are pretty extreme finally got the attention of the authorities extra tight, of terguran to severe sanctions to be things that must be accepted by the skaters who tertarngkap. But it all does not deter them, even in some countries finally began to follow the way of playing like that even in Indonesia itself had also contracted the virus.

The Fourth Generation

Skate board began to show changes back. Width of the board has now reached 8 inches long with 30 to 32 inches with tires made of polyurethane. Steve Caballero became one of the pioneers in this era. In addition to the good form of board design, the style of the skaters also looks more attractive than previous years. Style of dress they also indirectly inspired by the music of the skaters commonly heard, ranging from black music to rock music. Jeans paired with t-shirts into one mandatory option.

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